3 pedal rower

This flying with pets is such an American bullshit thing! You don’t see this anywhere else. This is nothing more than imposing your privilege on the rest of the passengers. I get it that now that U.S. airlines have let the genie out of the bottle it would be nearly impossible to put it back in, but how about requiring

Crack for the masses. Especially the snake charming, tongue-talking Christian Taliban cults.

The funny irony is the disconnect between this POS’’s behavior and his target market for Teslas. Does Musk really think he is going to sell Teslas to coal-rolling MAGA knuckledraggers? I don’t give a crap about EVs, but I’m also aware enough to realize eventually I might not have no choice (please Mr. Toyota, save me

That’s a hell of a 4-pot hot hatch! :-)

Wait, is that not the title of the first course at Trump University?

To say the least, indeed!

LOL! Great point. What was the need to include that little detail? Perhaps getting a blowjob while Jesus Elon was at the wheel.

He “maintained that he doesn’t remember hitting Cathy Donovan with his Tesla, but if he did, he would have been alone in his Tesla driving on ‘autopilot,’ not paying attention to the road, while doing things like checking work emails,” according to the filings.

Where to cut? That’s easy. Elon Musk :-)

Not to point out the obvious, but there is no constitutional right to drive; this is a privilege and not a right. Can we please start taking away driving privileges from selfish, self-absorbed assholes like this?

My 2017 Mini Cooper S is equipped with a start/stop system, but thankfully it remembers when I turn the system off and I don’t have to hit the button to deactivate it every time I start my car.”

It’s about time Mazda gets with the 21st century and get rid if that ridiculous aerial antenna.

RWD hot hatches rule. I did love the M135 F20 hot hatch myself and would love to own one, though.

As someone who suffers from claustrophobia, I feel your pain man. And mine is just as what you described - not having room to move. It’s such a primal “fight or flight” reflex that just elevates your internal temperature, makes your heart race, and sends your breathing into overdrive. In short, it sucks!

The best mixture of humor, travel, and cars. Oh how I miss the three stooges of motoring shows!

If only more individuals, not just companies, would follow suit! Social media is the largest, smelliest of cesspools. Nothing but hate and loco conspiracy theories by total morons and the opportunists who profit from them.

LOL! “Children of the swastika.”

Ha, ha! This would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. What a prick this Stephen Miller is. 

It’s call sarcasm.

By your logic so would be almost every arms manufacturer in the world, including Russian ones since Ukrainians also use plenty of Russian made weapons.