The sick part is that the NRA will probably hand them an award for standing up for gun owners rights.
The sick part is that the NRA will probably hand them an award for standing up for gun owners rights.
I liked the idea of the driver being super talkative, even though it’s an obvious joke. But making the character a hacky stereotype was just lazy writing, and kind of emblematic of how bad the show was.
Good, that means they can drop that stupid and painful “Celebrity Brain Crash” bit that just highlights how none of them should become actors.
It’s not like the Jones act is really helping all that much anyway...I mean how many more us registered ships are there now then there might otherwise have been? And at what cost? This is the chicken tax of the sea
Sit down with that dumb attempt at rewriting history.
Yeah no. No!
If a NASCAR fan were flying the Confederate Flag, wouldn’t that be about as disrespectful toward the American Flag as anything in the history of America?
But he doesn’t. He lives in a country that believes in freedom of speech.
People have a right to protest. That is the bloody essence of America.
Which can be countered with: “That Constitution you claim to uphold? Yeah, you can’t really pick and choose which parts of it you respect. This really is one of those “all or nothing” deals and if you fire me for exercising my 1st amendment rights, I’m going to sue your ass.” That’s the American way. And I hope to…
Someone else said it much better than I.
Shania Law: “Trump Don’t Impress Me Much”
The only counterpoint worth saying, then, is simple and vulgar: Richard Petty, go fuck yourself.
brainwashing Marketing is awesome!
No surprise in the hometown of Feces on the Family.
Everyone loves a car that doesn’t have too much grip, when having fun on a good day. When you daily drive cars like this, and the weather closes in, it can be a really mind-focusing experience. You suddenly go from the most fun car on the road, to the least fun car on the road.
Picking up North Korea rockets from the sea floor?
That's like threatening to fight every heterosexual at a Melissa Etheridge concert.