
The issue you have appears to be rooted in a lack of understanding the basics of communication/language. In order for a metaphor to work it must be rooted in fact, that is how it is able to work as a literary device. The fact that it is known blood is thicker that water is only the first step in execution of the

Umm... while blood is literally thicker than water, the viscosity- in both the well-known colloquialism and its adaptation here- is metaphorical. But you already knew that, my disingenuous little troll.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

I get the drama with your mama thing just on a general level from hard-won personal experience. Also, you don’t have to agree on politics with your parents in general. That said, that your mom values Whiteness over her own kids and grandchildren are striking. Apparently, she doesn’t see anything in common between

Yea that dipshit tried to tell me that Trump has created more jobs for African Americans than any other president. That fucker probably still smells of citronella.

How many employers make you listen to the national anthem every day before work? How many people think dropping to one knee with a hand over your heart is disrespectful?

Proof that in America you can be an awful person but say you believe in god and be respected.

What better way is there to be an activist than kneeling quietly during the anthem? Explain what form of protest Kaepernick could’ve done instead that would’ve been better. You and others constantly make that case, yet offer no solution.

Yeah, don’t protest. Pray. That’s how progress was made in the sixties. Pray-ins.

But other people do, and that’s perfectly OK. I have broken up with dudes for less reason. You seem really upset about it, though. Maybe switch to decaf?

You seem delightful.

It’s funny that he prizes civility, but generally remains silent in the face of Donald’s (rather uncivil) attacks on the media, Democrats, disabled persons, women, Mexicans, etc.... I would be able to take Ryan more seriously if he made any effort to clean up his own house, but as it is I think “be more civil” is code

My question is: What is the point of making that statement? It’s irrelevant and contradicts her actual actions.

It failed because it didn’t capture enough of either end of the spectrum; Moderates (who campaigned on repealing the ACA) couldn’t support it, and the far right couldn’t because it wasn’t extreme enough.

However, now that we are more than 100 days into 45's first term - which seems to be permanently set at basic bitch level

Man, why is Lifehacker so political these days? Do we really need all these articles on how bad the GOP is?

And yet, in this picture, Hillary is right where she belongs. Head shoulders above these idiots and looking down upon them.

It’s only stereotypical because all roles for Asians in MA movies have heretofore been stereotypes. Is it really so difficult to imagine that one could write a main character MA role for an Asian person that isn’t a series of clunky, tired tropes? If so, then it’s your lack of imagination that is the problem; the

I had this really long rant and I removed it because I just cannot with the world today. So tired of racism.

God I love Mahershala Ali. Humongous congrats to everyone involved with Moonlight.