Amateurs shouldn’t critique art.
Amateurs shouldn’t critique art.
Not today, hon.
If you have to ask......
Then if you know you could stop saying to her that she is going to get killed, that doesn’t help her at all, believe me, she knows.
Love you...receipts and all!
Yes, we know.
We really don’t need the “You need to” uncle at the cookout. The issue isn’t what color he is; the real issue is what comes out of his mouth — or, more optimistically, what he has the good sense to hold back.
yeah, if you acknowledge that black folks helped y’all make them pyramids
Two women have already asked you — multiple times — to stop mansplaining a situation they know much more about than you do. Just stop.
Depends on where your heart is. We don’t need anymore minstrel shows.
I will never get how women went to a multi divorced man on advice who basically said “we men ain’t shit. So it’s up to you to find a way to put up with us. And also look and act you best even though we ain’t shit.”
Steve Harvey some how re-invented himself into a self help guru. I don’t know how he did it. But at least he had some residual “Kings of Comedy” buzz that kept him going for a while. I can see a reality in which people fucked with Steve Harvey.
1. I am not a spy. I don’t have special training. I would be found. My kids would be given to him forever. I can protect them better if I’m not in jail.
She would be in jail immediately.
I am sorry, Dino.
And the chances that I would get away with it?