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    It sounds like you pay too much in rent.

    What, you thought the Juke-R was just to prove that they could do it?

    You just made me want a Ford Flex with GTR internals....


    I’m pretty sure some people are using toes now.

    This was actually an alternative to how the 28 Days Later rage virus came to be.

    Driving an electric car with one pedal:

    Step 1 - Put the car in drive.
    Step 2 - Place brick on get out of the vehicle.

    Personally, the only roofless vehicle I would ever consider would be an FJ40 or a CJ5/7. Even then I would roll with the hard top on 90% of the time. I think you made the right choice.

    Probably government overlord related. My friends 370z has nav and you can’t clear the “top speed” statistic in it.

    I would still own it if my job wasn’t outsourced. I will own either a Bugeye or Legacy SS at some point in the future, even if they are just shells and I have to build them from bottom up.

    And to be fair, the Mustang is at least going 67,000 mph (the speed the earth travels around the sun).

    It didn’t drive into the wall on purpose. It was trying to get to the person on the other side.

    Also, can we stop trying to make self driving cars now?

    Double din would be fine as well. There is no reason the radio needs to be tied into the car with anything other than a power and ground cable.

    That Subaru doesn’t actually care about their customers and blames the owner for serious flaws with their products.

    Brand new 2018 Crosstrek in Orange. Paint started coming off in huge flakes. A nice 10mm size flake was caused by me pressure washing it, mind you. Two months of Subaru customer service telling me that I

    I think you just described about every single Blazer of that generation.

    When I sold my WRX I thought I was kicking a habit. But every time I get into a turbo Subaru I just want one again. Even after that pain, late nights alone (often bleeding), and disappointment when you have to ask a friend to bring you to work the next day, I still miss the damn thing. I tell myself that one of these

    I’ve seen a car like this. It ended up being fire damage. It was a 2003 WRX with less than 1,800 miles on the clock. It was next to a building that caught on fire but somehow only melted some trim pieces and destroyed the paint on that side. The owner somehow got the homeowners insurance to pay out for the car so it

    This is pretty much EVERY car in the past 10 years. Even cars that appear to be just a head unit without a fancy touch screen sometimes have the immobilizer built in. It’s bullshit and I want my single din systems back please.

    Yup. The Mini my mother-in-law drives has already had all of its struts replaced at 40k miles and now she needs bushings.

    Only because I’ve gone down another International Harvester black hole recently - a 1960s International Harvester Metro is the only choice here.