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    That’s because you CAN’T. I would love to upgrade the system in my car, but it has the immobilizer built into so I’ll brick the car if I do it. And that’s a 2007. Back before Circuit City closed, the only department that made money at the two stores I worked at was the car audio (I’m talking in house departments, not

    I don’t know.... Sounds like perfect get-away car. It so boring, no one would notice or even know how to describe it.

    You mean the student loan interest, right?

    Just spray paint some lines to make it turn directly onto the back of a flatbed. Like old Spy Hunter games.

    I don’t disagree with you but some jurisdictions do not allow their officers to be in front of the subjects vehicle. Its against protocol because it gives the opportunity to fire on the officer without them being able to respond to the threat easily.

    Yeah, at least the 13 year olds will be doing for nothing other than the lulz.

    Yeah, because those people work for you and not the bank account that is paying for their third vacation house..

    I’ve been saying the same thing for years now and I said it in a previous post here. Any population control handbook requires three things - control over communication, defense and movement.

    Communication has been compromised for decades. There is an active war going on against the 2a. And now, there is a huge push for

    I’d take it a step further and say I want a system that is not tied into the entire car. We are starting to see this with mid 2000s cars that had infotainment systems tied into HVAC, etc. You simple cannot upgrade them. If the screen fails, you need to go buy a used unit that may or may not fail again. A lot of times

    Oh yeah, it’s a way better option than remote control. But I think you will see a lot more of it if this is the standard. Especially if the car will not give you control back in the scenario.

    Yeah, because there has never been a person in history to impersonate a cop.

    Yeah, I’ve been saying this is going to be a thing for a while now. Usually the response I get from users on this site is “That will never happen. No one is going to give them control of the cars. Stop being paranoid.”

    Did you miss the article about Dodgy Vans the other day?

    There is a Lucas Electric joke in here somewhere....

    Waves have only been created by Veyron so far, to my knowledge.

    Probably shock, followed by praise of the owner then followed by people mocking him by saying he brought a howitzer to a knife fight.

    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Taking heavy machinery to an old boat is really satisfying as well.

    PTSD or just noise sensitivity? If the latter, the Bose noise canceling ear buds worked really well for me when I used to work nights and stayed in the city right outside of a construction site. Might work for if you are far enough away not to *feel* the blast from the firework.

    If the former, a friend of mine who

    So what you are saying is that if people were around your $500 Mustang, they would have been hit instead of just nearly?

    In MA - which fireworks are illegal btw. From my observation, they light off like 5 at most and then wait an 30-60 minutes to do more. It’s annoying as hell and means every time I finally settle my dogs down so that I can go to bed it starts again.

    And if the cops are called, it seems neighbors will go next door so