I love you can use the term “OJ Model Bronco” and most people know what you mean.
I love you can use the term “OJ Model Bronco” and most people know what you mean.
Yeah but the big downside is you can’t top load something heavy. Large car parts are especially hard to haul in one compared to a small truck.
Tell that to my neighborhood. I wish the fucking laws worked.
Most of the country is dry as fuck right now. It rained a couple of days ago in New England but it’s so hot everything is dry.
Not to mention fire risk isn’t the only concern. Folk with PTSD and most animals hate them. It’s alright to deal with if it’s a single night at a set time, but these fuckers started at 8 last…
I agree with what you are saying, but I think it is also important to know why they are getting hit in the first place. I can’t tell you how many times I have had to slam on my brakes because some moron looking at their phone with ear buds in just walked into the street without looking - and I don’t even drive in a…
I have been in a Model S a couple of times at this point and while it’s an incredible machine, I don’t think it’s not worth the money due to build quality. The one I have driven in had more rattles than my 1995 Legacy RallyCross car and the fit/finish was not up to part for a car that costs what it does.
I get most of…
Even on October 31st?
To be fair, the only Saturn I ever paid attention to was the Sky. I didn’t know these existed until about the time their leases were coming up.
I didn’t even think of this engine in a Fiero. That would be a blast.
While I agree, the SL/SC cars, while not very fancy, are way more reliable. The Redline is a fun package. A little tuning can bring this thing up to about 250 whp and they are riot.
This is basically right in the middle of NP/CP but the rarity factor I think brings it up a little to NP, even with the issues that need…
Lemons cars, actually. Close enough though.
My dad’s friend sold off his farm and gave us an 84 (I think) that looks like this thing but in tan.
994,349 miles on the clock... when the odo stopped working... No idea how many it has now but it still runs and drives. It just doesn’t stop to well considering the brake lines are dust.
1994/1995 Legacy Wagon with the 2.2 and 5 speed or a 1998/1999 Legacy Outback with a 5 speed.
The 2.2 will get you bare bones and after replacing a couple of seals to stop it from leaking oil, it will go for another 100k easily.
If you go with the Outback, find something with a bad engine and swap a refreshed block into…
If that thing isn’t steam powered, I’ll be very disappointed.
For the record I have seen not one, but two Plymouth Breezes with top exit exhausts. One of them even ran.
“there has always been a cushy anchor point for my idle shifting arm.”
It’s called the steering wheel...
I have still not seen one of these things in person. If I was 20 years older I would have 100% picked one up as my mid-life crisis car.
The old man called the cops on his own son (not the first time and hasn’t been the last). The kid is a POS. The old man, while he hasn’t made the best of life choices, is a decent human being. He paid for most of the damages out of pocket and I got a new hot water tank, furnace, electrical box and complete mold…
One of the worst body designs the company has ever produced is called the “Classic”.
If you are going to call it a classic, at least give it an old school square body.
Edit: Yes I realize that they are no longer Dodge Ram and are just RAM, but still.
The house I bought was in foreclosure forever. At some point, in the middle of January, right before we moved in, the neighbors idiot kid tried to take the copper pipes. The problem is, he started at the main line first. Before the shut-off valve.
There was 2 feet of snow on the ground so the shutoff in the yard had to…