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    This would actually be hilarious. Probably the only acceptable answer outside of a real F40.

    As much as it sucks that that kid will never be out of debt in his life, I don’t exactly feel bad for him....

    Yeah, should have read 21 in a 20 or something. I used to work up there. Worst city ever.

    Oh don’t worry, the Boston PD does plenty of the “41 in a 40" type ticketing. Court fees are ridiculous and if it didn’t result in a moving violation that increases your insurance, it would make sense to just pay them. 

    I’m from south of Boston. While some run legitimate businesses - there are just as many people who come into yards and “scrap” “unwanted” stuff without permission.

    I had construction work going on in my backyard last year so I had my grill in my front walk way. It’s old and has some rot on the base but it still works

    Cigars smokers who do this are the worst kind of person.

    You know what grinds my gears? Those asshats who think it’s OK to smoke out their headlights and tail lights. No one can see your brake lights if you paint or tint them black. These are usually the same people who usually have the tinted license plate covers so you can’t report their shitty driving.

    I race a Legacy Wagon - while not the lightest of cars, it’s a Brighton so it has power nothing. It is actually lighter than an Impreza 2.5rs coupe.

    On a RallyCross course, I can keep up with much more powerful cars because I can carry more speed. Sure, on open course or ones with a bit more grip, the -40 horsepower

    They don’t come from their own ranks. A kid mowed down a mother and child a few towns over after running from the cops because of street racing. If this was a self-cleansing thing, sure. Let them do it. But it causes just as much damage outside of the circle.

    Live really close to work...

    Exactly. They are basically trying to show their insurance company they are addressing the situation so they aren’t dropped. This is expected and it seems like it is understood by all parties involved.

    Oh great, we got someone from the blue team here.

    Judging by the rope, he is going to have to also keep the VW.

    I was thinking the same thing... Would have been more interesting to see how two different power plants would push the same vehicle. Making a bell housing for a transmission to bolt up to something isn’t hard and then it’s just a question of engine mounts.

    I get why they did it (money) but it is still disappointing.

    Are you sure those weren’t just attempts to cover up rust?

    I haven’t seen a Crown Vic as a cruiser for a while in my area - they were either all replaced by Chargers or Explorers.

    The only cop CV I have seen recent times has been a K-9 unit.

    So you are saying we have been being lied to by all the police chase scenes in movies?

    Insurance agent: “Are you SURE you want to have full coverage on this thing?”

    Maybe it was given to them because they are the unloved grandchild and then found out they couldn’t sell it on Craigslist so they tried to get an insurance claim on it?

    They made Dodge Intrepids in colors other than beige?