
I see no issue with breastfeeding while streaming. Babies demand to eat when they are hungry, and feedings can last anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour. It’s hard to schedule around, which is one reason why breastfeeding in public spaces is legal. Furthermore, there is nothing gratuitous about the activity -

Total War Community Manager Correctly Calls Youtuber a “Dickhead” on Final Live Stream”

It was already practically a remake of Annie Hall, and that would have made it just... Annie Hall. It would’ve been derivative. It’s actually the better choice to have them get together, in my opinion.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

Trying to shame her for these things is ludicrous.

I’m surprised Ed Sheeran still engenders such emotive responses from people when to honest he seems quite... boring/ordinary.

Same sentiments here. Black girls and women just can’t enjoy this “win*”, can we?

This is a really strong take, one that seems to have overlooked a few crucial things.

But Stinky Pete’s a dickhead anyway. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to keep it in?

Is this where we’re at now? Shitting on seemingly decent people because they happen to have lots of money? Because losing a parent isn’t hard or emotional when you have money...amirite?!

Hell, I’m a fan for his work on Exiles alone. That remains one of my favorite books, regardless of the horrors Claremont and others wrought upon it later. 

I don’t drink it much anymore because it’s just like so unhealthy (and honestly you don’t see it in many places, unlike sodas) but if I were to get some now I’d still enjoy it.

i also used to enjoy imbibing hawaiian punch as a child.


Yeah well, uh, ya know, that’s just like...your opinion man.

But clicks were had, thats all that matters

Well said - Have two kids who are well beyond child seats (sometimes I wish I could stick them in one - trust me).  While I dont discounts SIDS, or things like that, my guess is that in the vast majority of cases its either incompetent parents, or just straight up murder (either by wilful neglect or worse).  Kids are

Psht. Your rational, nuance, and actual comprehension of a study has no place on my interwebs.