
The early Renaults like the 1900 model you show used a thermosiphonic cooling system; there’s no water pump. Instead, the temperature difference between the hot water in the block and the cold water in the exposed radiator creates enough circulation by convection to transfer the heat.

Um, sorry, but what? “Sudden turn”? The only reason it seems sudden is because D&D decided to rush these past two seasons but they have been building to this for a very long time. She was initially talked down from burning the Red Keep, before assisting everyone in the North. She’s progressively lost everything dear

It seems I’m one of the only people who still likes this show now, because apparently the idea that a show whose only long-running theme that rulership by birth is destructive at best and when led by ill rulers is horrifying in totality, ending with yet another ill-ruler with a longstanding history of

Are you also the 1 guy who reviewed it?

If by “nothing,” you mean blackface, then, yes; it is not allowed.

Steam, Origin, Uplay, GOG Galaxy, EPIC...sometimes its not about allegiance, its simply about not wanting 9000 different fucking launchers when almost all the games you play are already on just one.

I don’t get it, he stated he doesn’t see a likelihood of his using a white male lead right now...didn’t say he’ll never use one. Besides, as a white male myself, I’ve got more than enough entertainment specifically for me, and the world is much bigger than my lonesome self. I’ll never understand why people feel

Nobody bought them, dealers don’t stock them, only offered on poverty-spec base model. Yeah, you could have see this coming from a mile away. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Why havent we invented real non-lethal weapons for cops to reach for first?

“Mental health warrant”/wellness check. If I was black, I’d be dead about eight times now.

Why? As with black and brown juveniles around the country who are criminalized from pre-adolescence, 17 is plenty old to be treated like a “man,” in the U.S. court system, especially if the victims of such crimes are white (which, in this case, they were).

When? When is someone good enough for us? When is someone black enough? I’ve grown tired of the test to see if someone is authentically black for us especially when one of the people doing the questioning, Shaun King AKA Talcum X, is caping for Bernard Sanders. You know he of the “Guns In Vermont are different from

That’s not a “petty thing” to get upset about. That’s unacceptable behavior, on the part of the person in the crowd, in tons of different types of sports. Imagine a chess or tennis match where some dude was constantly yelling out strats or how to hit the next shot. Annoying as fuck, and potentially coaching.

Update WinRAR on your PC now!

The short answer is that movie poster billing doesn't generally work that way. Top billing goes to the celebrities with highest draw and pay. It's why RDJ has his name top and first in nearly every film he's in except Cap movies, and it's why Idris Elba is listed at the top on Thor Ragnarok's poster even though he's

I’ve said this many times: please write a book. Please. Your writing is ferociously beautiful, powerful, moving, thought provoking. It’s needed.

This is ....just weird.

You know, there is only so many intersections a person can navigate at once.

If it takes going old school whitey with Biden with a young-ish Veep (my choice: Eric Swalwell) to beat the vile Repubs, then fine. Don’t win the battle only to lose the war again.