
I had the same thought. Surely, a highly trained, well-versed tactician would be helpful. Bring back Black Driver, dammit!!!!

I noticed the Aqua thing on my last playthrough, too. That game is sublime. <3

Good, cause it was brillliant.

Oh, I know that. I thought it was obvious. The problem is that a guy who is reviewing a show should be an expert on it. It's similar to a guy starting reviews in Season 3, without watching the first two.

How can you watch The Flash and not Arrow? That doesn't even seem right to me. Arrow started it all, and while it's not fair at this point, Flash isn't at its level yet.


She is much better, but it's hard to tell if she will be once the series is all about here again.

Exactly, but this has been by far the best season of this show, so far. It shows how excellent the writing staff is at writing support characters, and how frustrating they've been when writing for their main one.

Meelo only gets like 3 lines total in these episodes, but man do I love that kid. "One of those people will not make it out of here alive!" I want that kid to be my spirit animal.

That would be interesting, since Roy Harper was the one with a drug problem in the comics.

I agree, we should support them. It's the only way we'll continue to get them. But, we shouldn't support a show just because of its genre. Support it for its quality. I also agree that bringing up any show in a negative light just to be negative is silly. I hate 93% of CBS' current programming, but I don't

Castle kicks ass, don't hate.

I'm not sure. I watched it online later since I work evenings.

Not true at all. I love that Slade isn't Laurel.

Pfft, even Oliver isn't that forgiving of Laurel. She'd be dead in a second.

Agreed about Amell. People say he's a bad actor, but that just makes me believe they haven't kept watching. In the pilot, he was a bit wooden, but improved consistently through the season (culminating in the fantastic acting when Tommy died). This season, he's been a true highlight.

I agree with nearly everything said in this review, and yet, it's an A- for me. I was enthralled the entire time.

You do realize that 42 minute shows air with 18 minutes of commercials, yes? The only thing he's proved here is that he watched it when it aired on TV, not on a pre-screening site like some shows have been known to do.


Sure it was spin-offy, but that doesn't mean its low quality just gets a pass.