
Boy, Roy sure wasn't gone long, was he?

Perfect? Far from it, if only because of how awkward the guest stars' introduction scene was.

Another standout episode once again! At this point, with so many "standout" episodes, do any of them really standout? It's like if we were all super-powered. It wouldn't really seem like any of us were. I'm not saying this as a negative, but rather a positive. It's just kinda strange.

I liked them because I love origin stories. Always have.

Season 8 was awesome. Seasons 6 & 7 were good but it did seem like it was running out of gas. 8 changed that, though. It's probably my 3rd favorite Supernatural Season, after 4 & 5.

If we're including anything, Sherlock is my favorite show on television. The writing on that series is just sublime.

Indeed, but I said "on TV," specifically. A TV show that isn't on TV still doesn't count as being "on TV." It's a technicality, but then again, so many things are.

Nope. I watched the first episode, found it to be mediocre, and haven't watched again. Based on reviews and general consensus, it seems I made the wise choice.

Orphan Black is English, and Orange is the New Black isn't on TV, it's on Netflix. The other two, however, you are correct.

The first three seasons of Smallville were amazing. When they started bringing in witches and Luna marrying Lex, it became idiotic.

Actually, Supernatural is still pretty good. Not at the heights it once was, but it's still worth following, imo.

I hope it doesn't run that long. I'd be fine with 5 seasons, with the ending being the beginning, when the flashbacks meet the series premiere.

We had to sit through Seasons 5-9 of Smallville, superhero nerdom has earned this.

The slight greying of his hair doesn't hurt, either. Lends a sense of "This man has been through some shit, but he can still handle some more."

This is the best American show on TV. I've thought it for a few weeks now, but this episode confirmed it.

None of the links work. I can't experience the magic!!! :(

None of the links work. I can't experience the magic!!! :(