
Pretty cool little DIY project. Similar concept can make a pretty good dolly, just put the wheels so they are pointing to the ground, use PVC for a frame, then use more PVC for track.

I personally find DigitalRev to have a much more useful method for retrofitting a DSLR for lefties.

Cheap mechanical pencils. I hate writing in pen.

I'm a Swype guy. As I've gotten more used to it I have actually gotten less accurate with it (overconfidence breeding sloppiness), but it is still leaps and bounds better than the stock keyboard on my X.

Standard 10.5" x 8" college-ruled spiral notebooks for class, pocket-sized reporter's pads or Droid X/Evernote for journalism.

The phones were probably just timers. The article mentions this, then promptly marginalizes it. Shoddy journalism.

@sean000: This is more tilt-shift than what a lensbaby does, but it is cool:

@Badlands99: I think your fears are misplaced. Among serious photographers, my D40 feels sort of embarrassing, but everyone I know who isn't a photographer assumes it is a really nice camera.

I'm too lazy to bother with my white balance while shooting. I shoot RAW, so it's easier to just set WB to auto, forget it, and then tweak it in post.

@egoods: Yeah, I don't know what I was talking about with Facebook - I already use Facebook through Adium.

I am a big Swype fan, but BlindType could definitely be a contended for a replacement.

@egoods: For real. I was a Trillian guy on Windows, too, but since I moved to Mac and found Adium I have had no complaints. I don't really see a point of switching now. Maybe when I have some free time I will check it out for the Twitter/Facebook integration, but we'll see.

Good suggestion, though not quite topical. That Tenba insert is nowhere near new.

@shua.jo.m: It's a cool feature, though I haven't really tested how effective it would be with the phone in my pocket. I keep my phone on vibrate basically all the time, anyways, so it is a nonissue.

It's working fine, but for me the real star (no pun intended) is the section for starred messages. I have always wanted a way to sticky those.

@Ninja Nemo: Uh, nice try, but you do realize that airlines *are* starting to charge extra for bulkhead and exit-row seats, right?

I love my iPod Touch, but I should be getting a Droid X in about a week and expect it to be at least close to a full replacement.

@battra92: A simple piece of paper can work, but this is a lot more flexible.

I'll use Google Scholar if I am really hurting for resources, but my first stops for research are generally databases like EBSCO and JSTOR.