Also: you can rubber-band the cord when it's coiled up so it doesn't uncoil in your bag.
Also: you can rubber-band the cord when it's coiled up so it doesn't uncoil in your bag.
@jswilson64: ...the USD isn't the only currency divided into cents.
@albokay: You win the thread.
@salemid: A pixel peeper might claim to be able to discern a reduction in sharpness that comes with using filters, but I've never really noticed much of anything.
@negitoro: Nah man. That assumption involves logic. Logic has no place on the internet.
@ImmaLion: Yeah, it's an awful feeling. I recently had my D7000 and 70-200 2.8 on a monopod and a bad quick release plate sent the unit to the ground. Somehow everything was unscathed, but I just about had a heart attack.
@subtlescalpel ▚▛▜▝▟▚: Yeah, the 5DII doesn't have continuous AF in video. I thought the focus was actually good for such extreme hand-held, run-and-gun work. I think it helps that the sound was so good.
@AmphetamineCrown: I agree. I love burl, and that is fantastically gorgeous, but I'm not sure how practical it would be.
Does anyone else think the black bar at the top looks kind of bad?
@TheLostVikings: There are so many amazing features on my Performance MX, but and momentum scrolling wasn't a selling point for me, but now it's one of the things I miss most on a normal mouse.
@phlavor: I never use lens caps. Granted, I keep UV filters on all my glass, but still. Lens caps are a pain.
Did anyone really need to read a blog post to realize that you can answer a phone by just taking your thumb out rather than taking a whole glove off?
The stupid Ken Burns effect makes it impossible to actually judge the photos.
@Francisco Galárraga: I stand corrected. To be perfectly honest, the brush tools are one of the parts of PS I am pretty unfamiliar with.
@Lexenerous Mexredorous: I would argue that Photoshop is as specific to photographers as a DSLR is.
@parkur: Photoshop is only hilariously expensive if you intend on only using it to make lolcat images.
Another con - do you really want to trust all your internet-based communication with what is, in my experience, the buggiest major website around?
I have this feature, but I can't actually remember what add-on gave it to me. Tabmix Plus, maybe?
@MattyMattMatt: Yeah, I would be inclined to try this with inline skate wheels. You can find a pair of skates at Goodwill for $5-10, and that gets you all the wheels plus bearings.
@cletar: You just need a loose definition of "pork."