
Since you can spin around and around in it without making any progress, it’s the perfect commemorative item for the Marvin Lewis era.

Did you then google yourself?

I can’t tell whether you mean Zeke, the judge, Jerrah, or Goodell, but I appreciate both the quality of the curse and the fact that the only grammatical rule to which you adhered was capitalizing Lego.

Nah, KD is more of a bandwagon guy

hey big fan, show ur bricks

Maybe they want to be a pirate.

UNC student-athletes will be thrilled once someone reads this story to them.

They named him Jagr

In all honesty people should leave Colt/49er games as early as they can.

finally it is time

One of my favorite lines from No Country for Old Men is when Woody Harrelson’s character asks Josh Brolin’s character for the $2 million.

First, how is this a corporate line if this is from their employees, the players. Second, isn’t the sentence above touching on the exact reason that Kaepernick started his protest.

Me: Wow, everything fucking sucks now. At least I have sports to watch and maybe not think about it for a couple of hours.

To Protect and Support

How fucking corrupt do you have to be to get banned by FIFA?! That’s like being too fat for KFC.

“Yeaaaaaah buoy.”


I use mine as a substitute for self esteem!

I think you mean Sad-turday.

Unorthodox strategy by the Bears but at this point you have to try anything to keep someone in a Packers uniform from crossing midfield.