
Normally you can't move into that spot, as it's blocked by the giant Ancient structure that needs to be destroyed to win against the other team. Instantly after it starts to explode, no actions can be taken by players, since the game is over and the scoreboard comes up. But Storm Spirit has an ultimate ability that

Someone realesed the Kraken

Just amazing how so few series end with such a perfect final shot: No grand battle, no sentimental good-byes or major deaths or such. Just the crew playing poker with Picard finally joining them, this unique bond of friendship showcased full-scale and the camradarie that made the show work so well. No bang, no

Try fighting him without summoning anyone. That way, you can bait him into a more predictable attack rotation.

I would head straight into the NG+, I did and the experience changes just enough to feel new, plenty additional surprise monsters and phantoms this time around. Plus you'll be connected with other NG+ players this time around who probably have better experience with the dragon, atleast thats what I was hoping (I

Note: This article contains content some readers might find objectionable.

Dude, this is how fandoms grow. Not everyone can be into something before it was cool. Let new people get into things - it's okay, honest. Yeah, sometimes it means that thing you love changes to "appeal to a broader demographic" but the correct people to get upset at over that is the people making the thing, not

WHAT WAS CHRISTINA AGUILERA DOING AT THE SKYRIM LAUNCH PARTY? Does she play Skyrim? I bet I have killed more dragons than she has.

Unretouched pigeon photo.

Let's face it, though. There is absolutely zero argument to be made for video games being labeled as "sports," whether they're competitive or not.

"Omnishambles" is a common word? I guess I must be hanging out in some very uncommon circles, as I'd never heard of it before reading this article.

Jesus, Kool-Aid Man. You really need to learn how to bunt, considering you're a pitcher and all.

Wow it is a slow gaming news day.

That's the thing though, it's not even remotely funny. Maybe I'm missing something but that is definitely not comedy.

If we always did the "reasonable" thing instead of silently getting mad and later writing a column about it, the internet would be a very boring place.

Do you think that's something we should just accept?