
So...do you have something to add that actually refutes something I said, or are you just relying on others to draw your conclusions?

Why would I do that? I clearly already have an informed point of view. I don’t really care what SPJ (??) thinks.

GamerGate and ethics have nothing to do with one another, except in that GamerGate is the absence of ethics.

NO, “anti” gamergaters are not idiots. They have a legitimate agenda of ending sexism and harassment in gaming. The other side cannot say the same. I guarantee you it’s a very serious topic for the many gamers who are harassed.

That doesn’t follow from my statement, at all, but that’s to be expected.

There shouldn’t even be any “pro” gamergate panels, because they lack any sort of legitimate agenda. It’s like when news networks give equal time to climate change deniers.

Woman surprised conservative christians are conservative christians.

Le Chien Andalou via Pewdiepie.” That ALMOST makes me want to see it.

I’ve never heard/seen someone call game developers “lazy” in the way it’s presented here. When I’ve seen people call game developers lazy it’s in terms of game design and cut corners, not physical labor or time spent working. So, thanks for addressing that concern, I guess?

It’s really more about the captions.

But don’t most of those games have private backing as well? My impression is that most of those games only relied on kickstarter for minor additional funds (in terms of game development I’d argue that several million still counts as “additional”) and publicity.

I know what you mean. I only watch films released in the HFR format.

P.S. this is not unique to anyone who has to work for a living. Everyone, in every job, feels pressure to produce. Welcome to adulthood.

Here we go again, another person who thinks the only measure of success is box office. Yes, the movie made a ton of money, yes it will give studio industry pause. Context matters.


"What are we getting for free, and what does the change mean for existing players?"

The first few Spyro games are classics. They're literally all I had a PS1 for. I seriously did not use it to play anything else. Now, that may say more about me than the games themselves, but I really loved them. The music is especially good in those games.

So trained dinos are good? it sends mixed messages

I really enjoyed reading all your responses to other commentators. I haven't seen anyone else discuss the disconnect between Sarkeesian's critics and her actual methodology with such clarity!

"It's actually extremely basic, dumbed-down Feminism 101 stuff. The fact that it gets so much pushback is kind of mind-boggling to me, as this is really simple, intro-level material."