
That would be great if it actually changed the color of the scarf. As it is it just changes the color of the lights embedded in the scarf, which are clearly visible to everyone. Ridiculous, useless. Like wrapping cotton fabric over some Christmas lights and calling it clothing. No - you're wearing a chintzy novelty


it almost too endearing. stop it with the kid! it's not fair.

well damn

Is that even a pie? it looks like a cheesecake. women can't do anything right, gawd.

Inappropriate gym wear should be a standalone column. good lord, I've seen people in jean shorts and polo shirts.

I've never understood the appeal of Pokemon. The games, the characters, the culture, any of it.

And like Mythical Beasts there are books and books and books written on the subject but they're of no help, because in the end it simply doesn't exist.

So then it's not millennials, it everyone under the age of 40, basically.

Jurassic Park

That cover photo is exactly why my internet past is embarrassing.

There is a difference in exaggerating muscular physics in men and exaggerating breasts in women. You are making a false equivalency. Learn your shit, buddy.

Wow, man. How'd he get that #instagram filter on his video camera?

I read some of the critical articles linked to in this blog post and I agree with about 90% of them. I feel like the bar is set so low for narratives in games that simply acknowledging that Black people exist gets you an automatic 7. Add in a twist ending that calls back to a previous game in the franchise and it gets

I did not like the game. #yolo

It's not the RPG tropes that get to me. I played Dragon Age Origins on PC and loved it as well - It's why I went out and bought a PS3 for Skyrim. I also went back and played Baldur's Gate (amazing). It's something specific to Fallout 3. Chalk it up to different tastes I suppose. I wish I could elucidate further on

"the entire universe is covered in clingwrap" HA! I love the game, but credit where credit is due.

" but i really didn't feel like i had to explore" Yes. That. Exactly.

The combat is incredible wonky, but I think my lack of experience in gaming helped with that aspect. I didn't have much to compare it to.

I thought the same thing - that my expectations were off. I've started Fallout 3 three times actually, with a few months in between attempts. I never get more than 15 hours into the game before asking myself why. WHY? I'm fairly certain that it's the setting (I don't like post-apocalyptic movies either). It seems like