Lowland Heights

I fricken hate the way the show minimizes the dire wolves and then just casually kills them off. The people I can manage but the wolves are ticking me off.
At least Sansa is marginally less useless.

Oh, urgh. Good point.
Ok, then the item will be something super sweet, like a present from Alba. Because he's not dead. Raf is going to fall back in love with Petra. Ro and Xo forever. And Alba will find someone dashing. We will have our happy endings eventually, dammit.

Thank you guys for this!

I got literal goosebumps at his confession, only to have cold water thrown all over the moment.
Can't we be team both? I like them both.

She shot slightly up and over rather than through the heart, I am hoping that was deliberate (that the show knows the heart isn't way over to the left).

But why could they not? Doctor Who got Arya's actor for at least three episodes, why couldn't Elementary get Dormer for at least one?

Martha Jones, sort of? There was heartbreak (unrequited love) but she did go on to have a kickass career and a hot… husband? Did she and Micky marry?

They won't. They probably don't even remember. I am half certain the writers don't watch their shows.

See, I was thinking we see it happening but Sheldon doesn't know yet… or it's a fixer-upper and at the end of the season they've added a suite for Sheldon (awww).

I like the blonde chick, she seem cool. It's not like they have much time left to worry about really establishing someone for the long-term, they need to go ahead and make something happen.

Gallifrey is always part of the villiany of an episode. Makes you wonder why the Doctor missed it so much. No, I know it was his home, I mean they don't play it in a way that evokes joy or nostalgia.

We need a bigger flowchart.

Right? He'll break time and space for Clara but not for his actual wife??

Gah. Guaranteed tears for me. River Song is so freaking tragic, moreso because her character is so defiantly Not tragic. The Doctor does not appreciate her enough. I'd like to think it's because it's too painful to think about her. But then he seems to forget all his companions, consort or not, eventually.

Leonard and Penny buying a house, maybe? Leonard taking a job elsewhere? whatever happened with Penny wanting to change careers again?

It should be someone overweight, Sheldon once said to Penny after she snatched the last dumpling, "I've seen pictures of your mother. Keep eating."

For me, the incongruity was part of the joke.

I'm happily (though not confidently) anticipating that the next season will be centered around building new official families as Leonard's father marries Sheldon's mother, Bernadette has a baby, Sheldon and Amy get married, and Raj gets together with… how about one of Bernadette's sisters? Doesn't she have like 9

Bring back Prof Hot Shorts!

With Alba on this one. Also appreciate the down to earth themes otherwise this week with Rogelio's crew's physical labor and Jane's need to grow her craft stuff. Ro is trying so hard to be a good father. Where's my heart emoji at?
Oooh, when Petra catches on to Aneska! Can't wait.
What are we doing with this crime lord