
And you thought your work commute was long AM I RITE?

Well shit negro! That's the only cosplay you had to show me.

So basically randomly invited semi-recent European colonies? Or did Belgium make some sort of deal with the Queen? If I've learned one thing in my time on this earth, it's to never, ever trust a Flandersers.

Changing course should be illegal. The additional fuel burn for a detour contributes to global warming, with the addition of contrails shaped in a giant circle could cause the next super hurricane.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house, except, you know, one of his.

Hence the root of the problem is still Comcast.

Unrelated to the article, that is the most gorgeous "W" I have ever seen.

You're right. Sorry. I'll go jump off a bridge now.

At least the Lego one's actually blocks.

Nah, man. Huge difference between a cricket and a grasshopper; observe:

Contrition on the Internet is a rare thing... +1 for that, for sure.

It happens.

yes, youre right. im sorry. jumped the gun before scrolling more. eating my own words.

Yes, it has been pointed out.

No, I made a reading comp error.

Yeah, I made a mistake of taking his first assumption as an absolute, I missed a when at the beginning.

Sorry for the delay in my jumping into this conversation. The universe has been keeping me quite busy lately, but I'm always happy to see long threads that debate applications of the laws of physics. A sure sign that science is trending in the world.

Wow, some random bullshit website that has a blatant agenda.