

It’s actually decent 0-45ish. It must have super low gearing. I’m usually ahead of the reasonable pack, but behind the OC cowboys who feel 75 mph weaving in and out is totally fine on Harbor Blvd at 6 AM.

Hey, you can flog it within an inch of it’s life everytime you drive it and still see mpg in the high 30s.

Hey, you can flog it within an inch of it’s life everytime you drive it and still see mpg in the high 30s. I just drove it to Sac and back to Newport Beach and it was even fine droning up and down I5. 4 people and luggage is a no go obviously, but I doubt I drive even 20 miles a year with any kind of passenger at all.

Maybe if you quit joking around and sent them serious questions they might respond?

You’re right, the HP is acceptable, the torque dip absolutely KILLS it. The answer is still turbo. Give it the same engine as the base WRX. 268 HP and 258 lb/ft of torque? YES PLEASE.

There’s another factor here though to consider. The chassis on the Toybaru is extremely composed and always feels like it just wants to

My girlfriend and I watched “10 things I hate about you” for a little nostalgia trip this last weekend. There is braggadocio about a Tercel in that movie. Perhaps even a ‘97 Tercel.

I’m one of those guys that followed the development of this car religiously - I still have the mags back ~2009 that spoke it was coming. Was there at Toyota not long after the car released (thank god I knew the internet sales manager) because Subaru for some utterly asinine reason wouldn’t give test drivers as that’s

This exactly. I feel like there’s an alternate universe where the car got a 1.8L that revved to the moon, made less torque and only had 190 hp, yet people never complained, because the powerband was fun and interesting.

Yeah, i kinda think that part of the problem was that the engine in there just wasn’t very good/inspiring. There are engines where 200 hp makes  you laugh out loud. But the engine that comes in the twins is not one such unit.

I have a 2014 BRZ that I bought new and use as my only vehicle. I’m a track instructor and have put thousands of track miles on my BRZ (I do about 30 track events each year and another dozen or so autocrosses). I love my BRZ and have convinced at least a dozen people to get one.

The e60 M5 is the quintessential example of a “never at any price” automobile. Nice that this one is a stick, but regardless shit is going to be breaking weekly.  And expensively.  $20K is a big hard nope.

Timeshares are great, for your friends to own and let you use.

It has 140k on it, more expensive problems will be on the horizon for sure.

It really doesn’t. It fixes one potential problem out of a multitude of expensive ones.

Despite the feedback from our recovering M5 owner...

It’s alright, though, because in order to hit the 500hp, or a reasonable amount of torque, you need to be screaming at what would be redline in most other cars. So you’ll probably never have all the power the car is capable of in the first place.

This is exactly the correct ownership scenario for this car. See also: boats, timeshares.

These make excellent donor cars for the Iconic BMW 850. Bearings are easy once you have the motor out and you can do them from the bottom end. You get the 500HP V10, Manual Transmission and the correct ratio Rear end with LSD and you part out the remains

This is the sort of car you want a friend who is willing to loan it to you whenever you want and has a big budget to keep it running to own. I’m going very marginal nice price but needs a little money off at least to get the wheels refinished.