
I was going to comment on his video, but that would be rewarding the turd for “engagement.” He’s ignorant. He has no clue what off-roading is. His carbon footprint is almost as big as some African counties when you consider what he bought and destroyed in record time (I can guess how much mining, materials transport, r

“I posted a plea on a site full of enablers for reasons not to buy this, and they couldn’t come up with any. I guess I should buy it.”

I think this is what 911s are specifically made for.


I expect this is my last chance to this:

Oops, almost forgot. Eat shit and die, Raph!

Man, feels weird seeing Raph jump ship. Even though his posts popped up with greatly varying infrequency, you could still point to him and say “Jalopnik. You know, weirdos who break shit. Raph’s upside down bug. Those guys.”

I had to check and make sure this wasn’t a previously published article.

Well damn, that’s the sound of the drain being circled on this site.

As a former Hyundai Parts Technician in the great land of Canada, they are far and away the worst brand I ever worked for. They attempted constantly to deny warranty claims for the simplest of reasons, constantly were attempting to charge back claims to the dealership for the most asinine reasons, and had some of the

I still have some tokens for the TILT arcade that used to be in the local mall.  Maybe I can use them at the (checks notes) ... American Eagle that’s there now.

this smug ass response is like the icing on the cake for me leaving. i was already out the door anyway, but i kept coming back for torch and tracy. but this attitude right here seems to be taking over the culture of the writers at jalopnik and i have to think it’s souring the taste of many who might still read this

You are right about one thing, sometimes it is time to go and pursue your dreams somewhere else. It looks like they are finally going off to form a new site that is more in line with how jalopnik started in the old days, before it became a cesspool of clickbait and ads.

If your first reaction is “Grow up” then you are missing the point. Here is an opportunity for you to step in and reassure the folks who frequent this site that while you are losing two unique voices, you have many more that are committed to continue on the tradition of what made Jalopnik great: unique and irreverent

It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks

Back before the concept new Challenger was announced, I had a conversation with Ralph Gilles, then Dodge head stylist, over Dodge’s idiocy of the new 4-door Charger and how it had zero styling cues from the classic 2nd gen Charger. (Fixed from the 2nd gen 4-door Charger on.) After we got done at most staying civil to

That was a very interesting read!

I hope it will not be like that Hyundai. Can we please stop with those stupid pops and crackles? I’d like to be able to drive a car like this as an adult, without looking and feeling like a tool.

I have a nice idea how to fix this “problem”. Exactly 5 minutes before the qualifying/race starts a coin is flipped. The coin decides if the oval is going to be driven clockwise or counterclockwise. The cars cannot be modified in any way after the direction has been decided.

Now playing

I have always called it “Dog Tracking”