
Hopefully all of them that groomed and raped kids.

In a functioning country, he wouldn’t have ever gotten close to being nominated.

As a woman on the verge of 40 who was just dumped a few days ago, I find this very empowering. I’m going to get a piano. 

There have been lots of studies showing married men live longer, earn more money, have more sex, and report greater happiness and satisfaction than single men... but the same doesn’t appear to be true for women. If anything, marriage and children seem to be, for women, on average, a major bummer.

27 attempts? How is it not legal for them to just drop the papers with anyone there, and tell them to get it to him or he’ll be guilty in absentia? I’m not a lawyer, but that’s similar to what happened to me. 5 years after I left home, I was subpoenaed to testify in a case I knew nothing about. They dropped the papers

Maybe no sexual outlet, but it was a healthier scene. In the end if my husband’s generation wanted to bang a woman they pretty much had to start by talking to her and usually ended finding out, at least somewhat, what women were really like (and vice versa). Tinder and its ilk have really truncated what courtship now

I agree completely. My husband of 15 years and I split for a couple years. During that time I hooked up with some people, dated some people, strictly chatted with some people....people my age (late 40's), and a some guys in their late 20's. Now granted, I realize this is a small test audience. BUT. That was an

To answer your question, I think straight guys don’t generally talk about sex with one another outside of bragging and seem to think that being good or bad at sex is basically just to do with how big their dick is and nothing else. I can’t really imagine any straight guys I know asking one another “have you ever

Imagine being that vocal coach, like  “oh no, his personality is too weak to do a funny voice he’ll imprint like a baby duckling

To me it always sounded like the “businesswoman” voice from Romy & Michelle’s High School Reunion.

I live right near Hype House. That place has ALWAYS been a nightmare- the landlord is a horrible man who built three of these monsters right in a row- all of these places have been rented to loud, obnoxious party people. The streets are clogged with way too many cars, drunk people screaming at all hours, broken

I would call it a win if that becomes the biggest problem in society instead of men murdering women.  

Symbolism (all these stupid hand gestures, etc.) is really just what stupid people think intellectualism is.

From the video I saw in the news in Australia, it looked to be just one person who appeared to be filming her as she was sitting there making weird sounds and there looked to be a waiter standing in front of her table. Was it right to film her? Absolutely not. But we must also be cognisant of the fact that people will

Bruno Mars: 

Yeah, he has a second in command and an entire department full of career government employees who do 99.9% of the work anyway.  I’m sure it was an irritation but political appointees don’t do a lot of the real work anyway.

What exactly was Buttigieg supposed to do in regards to the airline fiasco? As Secretary of Transportation, all he can do is conduct investigations, call those CEOs in to be grilled in front of a panel, and propose legislation to try and prevent future fiascos. He has no power to immediately fix it by royal decree

I’ve seen several stories like this one which make it sound as though it was obvious the boy had a gun but the school administrators did nothing, but the AP article says the boy’s bag was searched and the gun wasn’t found. If that’s the case, then where did it come from? Was he hiding it under clothes, like a baggy

now imagine in the conservative dream scenario where the armed teacher now would have to make the decision to shoot a 6 year old student