
In all fairness, overalls under a suit jacket should be illegal. 

I’m from this shithole state, and interned at the Legislature in college (ancient times—early 90s). As a young woman I was subjected to the most outrageous sexism imaginable, from comments on my body (boobs in particular), sexual invitations from married legislators, to outright ass slapping/grabbing. I see not much

American Taliban.

Let me guess - next year, an addendum to the effect that ‘a smile wouldn’t hurt once in a while’.

jez has been all trolls for some time now.

There were so, so many times when I’d describe men I knew as creepy and other men would behave as if slapped; being called “creepy” is apparently one of the worst things for them, and the response was always that I was being unfair to them. My thing is that I’ve been in a few abusive relationships and like a lot of

Nothing suspicious to see here. Just an ordinary cult leader leading an ordinary life, whose ordinary wife hasn’t been seen by anyone in more than ten ordinary years. 

Most people like to imagine themselves as a hero—”well, if I’d been there I would have done XYZ...”

In a house where six young people live, I can imagine it’s a near-constant stream of coming and going, noise, random friends, etc... might as well just install a revolving door. That one of the survivors is being persecuted is beyond awful; it’s so easy for the people who weren’t there, who will never experience

This seems really unfair. Anyone that stays up really late can tell you that sometimes you’ll hear weird stuff, but when you check on it that sound is gone, or it seems to be something innocuous. We can’t be calling the cops for every random noise, especially in a house/neighborhood that frequently has random people

Part of the dark side of true crime. I really wish that people would leave families, friends, and roommates of victims alone. Investigators keep a lot of details away from the public for a reason. It has been disturbing to see people blaming the two surviving roommates. 

“The problem is how to pay [the employees] enough to afford children, a car and a house in the suburbs.”

Cool let’s pretend there’s not a pathetically obvious filter on the “before” picture for some more excellent Jezebel reporting that is not click bait at all.

Tough guys? No, it’s Florida Man vs. Alabama Man, with North Carolina Man trying to break up the fight and Tennessee Man calling out Alabama Man (as if he was more intelligent).

Absolutely. I recently found out some of the weird “messy” recipes are for fetish folks. Then some people post shitty recipes just to get hate comments and thus boosted by the algorithm.

Yep. You also can’t get trichinosis from beef. I guess the writer just threw in all the food-borne illnesses they’d ever heard of for dramatic effect.

The roast is just fine, the veg and potatoes look good... those Yorkshire puddings are an embarrassment.

I really love when I hear about a famous person’s kid doing something completely different and normal. Yeah, my Dad won an Oscar, but I’m going into medical research. You know a kid who can do that has a ton of self-confidence. 

Maybe I’m too old, maybe it’s his small eyes, maybe its the hint of facial hair that seems to look like a perpetual teenstache and soul patch in photos...maybe it’s all of the above but I think he always looks like a guy who stands outside of convenience stores smoking a cigarette.

Can somebody from this site please do a piece on all the horrible cooks of tik tok/ YouTube? I don’t even mean the celeb cooks. I’m talking about people who have gotten Facebook/ instagram famous because of their “quick, cheap, accessible” meals, that are really just horrible junk. You know these people because for