
More effective as in more ad revenue for Rolling Stone, sure. People won’t read beyond the headline and immediately jump to “kelly’s the new ellen” even when the article makes clear that’s not the case.

It’s not just creative professions, although it’s admittedly one of the worst because it’s such a desirable industry to work in and those at the top are more than willing to take advantage of that.

yeah, this guy would have made a GREAT father if she didn’t have an abortion. 

The red carpet exchange struck me as much more of an “it’s loud and there are a bunch of people here, so I have to lean close to you and gesture so that you know where I’m going and where I’ll meet you” sort of conversation.

when you watch it now, it definitely has some cringey, to say the least, aspects to it,”

This headline is incomprehensible. 

Children’s books aren’t typically that lucrative. She’s just a sociopath. 

Or still be in the goddamn house???

Dear god... do you hear that? The howling, the snarling, the... sounds of eating?

“I cannot send out a tweet with a picture of my very attractive opponent. This Cadillac of men. Find a different picture. Figure it out.” — Ted Cruz (staring longingly at picture of Colin Allred)

I think in this case she literally (heh) meant that his technique was excellent, and she would have liked it a lot more if she cared more about him. Which is fine, and a pretty good explanation for J-Lo taking him back.

New York City’s hottest club is...YOUR MOTHER AND I ARE SEPARATING

Its almost like a book written 2000 years ago shouldn't have bearing on modern society! Let alone one that's been edited, translated several times and then edited again. 

Slideshows, Matthew Perry quotes, typos, Don’t Worry Deerlingwhich is that thing of when a midget dressed up like a deer spits on Harry Styles...

Look, it’s either care about your family or spend time getting swol. It can’t be both. He had to make a choice.

The freeze response is so much more common than people think it is. I feel like if you haven’t experienced it, you have no idea how powerful that urge is. When I was stuck in a freeze response, I literally felt trapped in my body. And I felt like if I moved, I might die. And those were the only thoughts my brain would

Yes, but it was the other roommate (Mortensen) not Funke. I don’t think the public has a full account of what Funke told police she did or did not see/hear that night.

Unfortunately some people get a little bit of authority or power and let it go to their heads. They end up thinking that the rules don’t apply to them, they can do whatever they want, and everyone else is at their disposal. Those people often end up a danger to others and themselves; as they are blind to the risk they

Any take on this is just bizarro cuckoo bananas.

Ayn Rand herself couldn’t have created a more poorly written parody of a libertarian hero than Elon Musk. No wonder so many incels, toxic nerds, and Conservative shitheads love him. That’s the American dream, right there. A billionaire darling of the anti-government, anti-journalist community who can simply purchase a