
Apparently Harry and Meghan don’t have a PR firm at the moment and last I heard most if not all of the top level people at Archewell have left. They are only listening to each other and that has been the problem from the beginning. He is basically attacking anyone who has ever told him “no”.

A lot of us write under a pseudonym, and maybe she’s not well-known enough for anyone to have bothered looking into her real life. IDK. I just keep wondering how she managed to compartmentalize her author life from her real life so well that NOT ONE PERSON who actually knows her could have called her out in over 2

Blugh. I just shuddered.

The day she supposedly took her life was the day she told ME she was being committed for a month under the supervision of her psychiatrist. I was her editor. In August she had told me that she had been placed on a 72 hour hold while they adjusted her meds. At the beginning of September, she was leaving the book world

It seems extremely unlikely that it was anyone but her who posted the initial lie about suicide. I just can’t see any family member deciding to post on someone’s behalf that they had died by suicide if they hadn’t. If she really did attempt suicide, why would her family not just say that? So she’s got to be lying

Lurking behind Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.):”

That’s interesting. I’m assuming no one in this community knew/knows her in RL, or went looking for an obituary, or thought/asked to attend a memorial?

Damn, I never realized how shitty and juvenile Barker’s tats truly are. He doesn’t look like he has great skin in the least, so not thanks on product he’s shilling.

The absolute definition of “small dick energy”.

I would say that there is some poetic justice in this scenario. Thank you Greta, you got that miserable POS to out himself. Delicious!

Imagine being SO INSECURE that you blow up your whole criminal enterprise because you can’t let a comment from a teenager go?

When I was in middle school, we had a very young math teacher. Most of the girls were in love with him. If you were a dowdy girl and you asked for help, a core group of mean girls would bully and harass you until you ignored him. They were all fiercely protective of him even to his face. And every popular girl in his

I think sometimes parents rules or reactions are bc something happened to them or they were around something like that....

My now-late ex was a heroin addict for more than a decade before getting sober for fifteen years. He attended a birthday party with a group of friends who had all gotten sober in the same 12-step program around the same time, and he noticed that all of them had resumed moderate, controlled alcohol consumption again,

I don’t think many people out there know what it’s like being a recovering addict or living with a former addict. We also have this weird cultural shift when it comes to alcohol and don’t recognise it as a seriously dangerously, easily-addictive substance that can destroy not just the addict’s life but those of the

I am not a criminal here—not here or in Brazil or any jurisdiction in the world,”

Just came here for all the Jenna Bush puns. Where the hell are they?

Savage and true.

She always looked like she smelled like pee.

Hey. she’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom.