
Counterpoint: The point of being a billionaire is that time has no meaning and every day can be made extraordinary through your wealth.

I’m sure he already paid a lot for all that plastic surgery.

I never saw the first movie, and have no plans to watch it but I sure do have plans to see this one in theaters while on mushrooms. 

I knew this was going to be crap (the first movie was a hint) but wow...hearing the plot really makes the shittiness come to life. Thanks Rich!

It really seems like there should be something illegal about pretending to be a medical clinic and lying about healthcare. I realize that these are just zealots cosplaying as medical professionals, but there are people who take them seriously as sources of information.

The best part of this grift is that the hardcore MAGA-heads out there actually had themselves convinced he was going to announce he’d been made Speaker of the House and was going to commence impeachment proceedings against Ol’ Handsome Joe. They must all feel like kids finding a lump of coal in their stockings - one

Too right. I’m guessing the Excel spreadsheet at the Trump Foundation is just named “Saps.xls”.

I’m not saying it’s right, but I can honestly see how Charles would be indifferent to Harry and Meghan’s deal. The man wasn’t allowed to marry the woman he actually wanted to marry, and his entire marriage to Diana basically was the invention of modern paparazzi - that literally chased the woman to death. So when they

Where’s the card of him wearing an orange jumpsuit?

Christ how are we even considered serious by the rest of the world after electing this clownshoe?

Wednesday, November 6th, 2024

JFC, the grift just wont stop with this asshole.

“And I also sincerely hope that this is the last I hear of any of it.”

Now playing

SNL did a sketch a few weeks ago with Keke Palmer (and pretty much all the women cast members) that was like one of those “join our class action lawsuit PSA” commercials you see, except for people that had been slighted by being or being perceived as a former love interest of Drake. I’m an old and I don’t really

That’s a weird level of celebrity to be at. He’s so well known that everyone knows who he is, yet doubt he should be considered famous.

He really is. He’s the epitome of an insecure, jealous, angry teenager except he’s got a lot of money.

Drake is a nightmare man.

It’s a bit of well-deserved schadenfreude for Musk, but what you’re saying is exactly right. Chappelle knows what he’s doing. Musk is a controversial figure and a lot of people still get semi-hard for “owning the libs,” so no doubt it’s going to put butts in the seats and get people screaming about it on Twitter or

It seemed like they might have had a plan for them to banter on stage. At some point Chappelle tries talking over the boos by saying some of the planned jokes (the stuff about leaving earth, setting up a titty bar, etc.) and he had to abandon the whole thing and wrap it up. The crowd wasn’t going to stop booing with