
Balenciaga dropped the lawsuit against the production company today—it was buried in the middle of their latest statement on their completely self-created mess. Just take responsibility, apologize and move on. The deflection is disingenuous—not a single image goes out that they haven't explicitly reviewed every single

So now a “key witness” has to be an unquestionably infallible upstanding citizen!? Historically, hasn’t the key to bringing down criminals been squeezing their criminal cohorts to flip and testify against them? Can’t arrest and try a scummy pedophile because his scummy pedophile wingman who ratted on him seems too

There’s a widely-held view that family size is absolutely off-limits for judgment, that there’s no limit to the number of kids a parent can love and care for, and that anyone who questions such choices is a monster.

It’s kind of a triple-self-own....

He could have stayed on television earning an 8 figure a year salary from now until he was 80 peddling snake oil but decided he just had to make things worse for everyone in the country instead.  

I thought that was a picture of Marilyn Manson. And I judged hard. In fact I'm still judging even though I know it's actually a different dude. Yes, I know, don't judge a book by its cover and all. But there's fine print: unless that cover looks like Marilyn Manson, because all of those guys are the worst. Avoid at

No judgement on Billie’s choice of partners, but I hope she knows that as a gorgeous and immensely talented 20-year-old woman with a wildly successful career that she can “pull” ANY ass she wants. ANY.

If he’s not on some Fox News affiliated “non-woke” medical show whose primary topics are gender-affirming care and how Narcan should be illegal within the next 18 months, I will eat several of my hats. Fox News is DYING for a quack with a veneer of authority who will say made up shit like “Puberty blockers are child

Affleck has something going on. Jennifer Garner compared him to the sun once.

Plus, I don’t know how old Audra was in 2004, but I was in my 20s and I remember when they dated and broke up. Ben Affleck was not “just a guy” in 2004. He was one of the hottest stars on the planet, as was JLo. They were huge. Like, I remember “Ben is back on the market!” being one of the most common reactions to

So, a lackey who hasn’t had a hit in over a decade who is still trying to ride the coat tails of someone who left her behind, a woman who obviously can't sing if someone paid her to sing, and an American idol contestant defend a psychopath. 

It is indeed very common to freeze, especially when it’s a manager or someone with power over you. It often seems kind of surreal and you doubt yourself and your experience. Like “Is my boss really showing porn at work? No..I must be seeings things, that doesn’t fit the narrative here.”

Well, y’know, if yer gonna get fired from a gig, you might as well get fired for a reason.

Every accusation is a confession with these assholes 

It is very “Late 2000s International Male”, isn’t it? Bet that wizened fool’s got this in his closet. Probably thinks it makes him look fancy.

What else could she have said? She didn’t invent the system, and the system has fought back against proper legislation for decades (see: Pearl Jam vs. Ticketmaster in the early 90's). If you’re expecting Taylor Swift to rehaul the broken system that is live ticketing, you’ll be waiting a long ass time.

It’s even worse than the ultra-rich using these private foundations to funnel money to their own pet projects and to derive material benefits (ie, donate to an educational institution so their shitty kids can get in) - which is a fact. In addition, most of the top private foundations fail to meet even the minimum

In other news, trash people are trash.

Pregnant, but they accidentally put a horse embryo inside of her surrogate. 

The David Lynch Foundation? Is Kyle MacLachlan the president?