
I hope she took all that gofundme money and is off to Zihuatanejo, Shawshank style. 

Uh.... have you spent any time in the deep rural south? I’m not making up what I said. Literally the whole plane was exclusively filled with obese people. And its not necessarily about wealth. Its in part due to comparatively cheap food as well as the serving sizes. As in if you go out to eat in the south the waiter

This is the correct answer. Lives are at stake, people need to get over it. It’s not like everyone else doesn’t already see how big or small all of us are. 

Yep, same reason why we don’t do auto safety inspections in Michigan. If we instituted them without spending a decade or more drastically improving public transport the immediate effect would be for hundreds of thousands of people to lose their jobs, not be able to get to school, not be able to get to their medical

No kidding. Why not return seat pitch to what it was a few decades back? That would reduce the load and give passengers more legroom. I’d say this problem was their own making (really, really tiny violins).

Good idea on the surface, but in reality that is a regressive tax that disproportionately impacts low-income people.

Neither are anywhere near the average weights of adults in the US. I’d have to imagine this calculation accounts for children being on the plane as well. That’s the only explanation that makes sense to me. Even so, it doesn’t seem like there would be enough children on the average flight to offset that much. 

Reminds me of when I get on a plane from California to Tennessee to see my folks. The flight starts off with a mix of people- thin, medium and chubby people. The last plane, which is usually one of those smaller regional jets making a short jump from Charlotte to TN is almost always 100% full of morbidly obese people.

  • Airlines must increase the average weight of female passengers (which includes their carry-on items) from 145 pounds to 179 pounds in summer months, and from 150 pounds to 184 pounds in winter months

Kris got a cut. I doubt she regrets anything.

May this motherfucker rot in jail and may Scientology finally burn to the ground. 

“He’s not a far-right extremist, he was just motivated by far-right extremism” is a distinction without a difference.

I just like how he’s blown a large chunk of his on-paper fortune and potentially scuppered the rest of his “empire” in the process all to buy an infamously loss-making website just so he could stop randos from saying mean things about him online.

I’m still thinking about this story days after reading it. The scariest thing about this story is the potential that all of us might be a little too chemically enhanced, a little underdressed, a little too sleepy and captivated by stars and go off to a sleep from which we would not wake. It happens. I’m so glad it

I know it’s mostly coincidence, but I just lost my mother last week after a long illness and then sharp decline. I also was traveling back and forth from Connecticut to New York and it was a lonely, sad drive. She also tried to end her life a couple years ago after a series of physical health and relational

I grew up in a really small town in the early 90s. It was the kind of town where there was still a local dairy and you could get deliveries from it for milk, butter, ice cream, etc. It was kind of a sign your family was upper middle class if you got these deliveries instead of buying the cheaper stuff from the grocery

In the August of 2012 my dad killed himself. Earlier in the year he’d had open heart surgery and was never quite the same after. Then he broke his jaw and a business partner screwed him over in a major way. He’d struggled with mental health issues for years but all those things combined broke his spirit. In July it

Three things to know about my dad:

This happened just last Thursday, actually, and I’m still shaken up.

I grew up in a small town in central Illinois surrounded by miles of corn fields in every direction, broken only by the interstate to the east. Class sizes hovered around 80, and it wasn’t unusual to invite half the class to parties. This was especially true for kids who lived on the outskirts of town or out in the