
In all the commotion, we mistakenly identified her as Ilich “Carlos the Jackal” Ramírez Sánchez, who we assumed had escaped from French prison to continue his anti-capitalist reign of terror. By the time we determined that she was in fact the kidnapping victim we were attempting to retrieve, we had shot her 267 times.

She was also 12 feet tall! And had gun hands! And razor sharp teeth!

Look into his work.

Brittle tough-guy bluster? Check

I’m reminded of what the Uvalde police said Ramos wore full body armor, and later it came out that he basically had an empty vest on. No helmet. Nothing. Just an empty vest. But sure, they called it “full body armor” in the aftermath to cover up their ineptitude. 

I mean, the cops in Uvalde initially said the shooter there was in full body armor, and it turned out the guy had on an empty vest (no ceramic plates) and no helmet. So I would take what the police say with a grain of salt at this point. It may come out later that the girl had like a bike helmet and a black t-shirt

If you take a step back and ask “What, exactly, do we need the police for and want them to do,” this sort of situation would seem to be exactly it. Armed and dangerous guy with a hostage. And yet, the police’s actions (which don’t seem to me, to display a whole lot of dexterity and skill in crisis management, at least

ACAB and defund (or more appropriately, abolish them entirely now) the police because what the fuck.

more time socializing with women in real life”

It has more to do with upbringing. They could self reflect, they could improve their lives, but it would never change the fact that they don’t view woman as people. Sex and relationships to incels are less about companionship and love and more about fulfilling physical desires and procreating. Similar to flat

A guy who looks like a WWE heel running against a real-life shitheel would get my vote in any election.

To be fair, people have wildly different views on what constitutes friend, acquaintance, or “I don’t know her.”

Those two are like a toxic-off.

If the only time they were referred to as friends dates back to 1996 on a talk show set, sorry Rosie but you’re not friends. And not saying Ellen’s set wasn’t toxic but I feel like Rosie takes the toxic cake and has had drama with pretty much anyone she’s been involved with personally or professionally including her

This comment section is giving me a pain.

But I did my own research!!!

Also, just in general, stop buying things on Amazon if the brand name is just a random mishmash of all-caps.

What does today have to do with it?

Back-feeding a house with a generator during a power outage without an appropriate cut-off switch pushes electricity onto the surrounding grid; if anyone is working on the power lines nearby they could get seriously injured or killed.

Lol, is that second quote real, or did you just record my 6 year old explaining why he likes video games?