
Attending Bama as a (happily married) grad student in my mid-40s and seeing some of this shit in person was equal parts depressing, confusing, and frightening

TikTok is great for giving people a glimpse at other places and lives with which they would otherwise never interact. 

Said the most racist person you’ve ever met. And I guarantee he hit on Hutchinson and Griffin.  And I guarantee they both shot his weak ass down.

“I’m gonna break it down for you, because it’s actually quite simple, and anybody can do this. Anybody on the planet can do this. First thing’s first: if you have job—like a 9-5 job—quit that. Do you like food? Forget about that. Because you’re never going to enjoy anything you eat. Alcohol? Sorry. That’s out. So what

I think I would have gelled it back to resemble the ‘plastic’ hairstyle more, but admittedly IRL slicked blonde hair can also come off kinda Draco Malfoy.

I can’t imagine being mad about Ryan Gosling as Ken. He’s literally perfect for it, looks-wise. I might’ve toned down the platinum hair to a warmer blonde (Barbie was always the one with platinum hair), but between the cast and GRETA I genuinely could not be more excited for this movie. I’ve seen so many young people

I had no idea they were dating or even knew each other, and so the story of her asking him for his underwear was quite the journey for me.

Knew? He organized it for the sole purpose of the mob violently overthrowing Congress. It was his INTENTION. 

That is probably the most fucked up thing.  The guy knew this would happen and wanted it to go further 

...and her tell all 500k book deal.

‘I don’t F-ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me.’

She’ll have a job with the campaign of whatever Republican challenges Trump for the nomination in 2024. Failing that there’s think tank jobs, lobbying jobs, she could run for the House in a district that likes Trump policies but may not like the insurrection, or failing that, state house (even narrower constituencies

Yep. Nothing will come of this. There could be a fucking video of the guy in front of a Hitler shrine, on a call with Proud Boy leadership planning the coup.

But sadly, a gun was used on Ashli Babbitt, with no price to pay against the person who used it!”

Yeah, Trump is very much a cult of personality which people loves because he makes them feel like he’s on their side. The rules be damned.

But sadly, a gun was used on Ashli Babbitt, with no price to pay against the person who used it!”

YES! Thank you! I get so annoyed by the valorization of grad school speak in activism. It’s part of how activist movements shoot themselves in the foot by letting the upper middle class lead. Their social life historically involves a lot of gate-keeping, shaming and interpersonal competition. Those are not helpful for

I think a lot of progressive/liberal messaging is just a circle jerk anyway. The message wasn’t intended for the people being screwed over in red states, it’s for people ‘in the know’ to hear, nod, and pat themselves on the back about.

I grew up in a very red state (which I did eventually move out of as an adult), and I always hated that logic. People just boil huge geographic areas down to “blue” or “red” and forget that even in my deep red home state, like 40% of the votes were against Republicans.