
This is all so stupid. So what if the OP-ED piece was released at the same time as Aquaman. That’s smart because more eyes were on the piece. Also, she has said these donations will come over 10years in 2016. Because Amber hasn’t given all the money to them yet means nothing. Also, earmarking money for something and

I don’t know what’s more depressing: that the ACLU can be paid to fluff a civil case, or that they’ll gleefully exploit that information AGAINST you in court if you don’t pony up. Just absolutely fucking ghastly.

Both, by stating they continued to request the balance of the promise and remarking how “difficult she was to reach”...sounds like a collection agency response.

As someone in the non-profit industry, those “formal pledges” have exactly as much legal weight as pinkie promises. You don’t send someone to collections for not donating to charity.

It’s actually not that shocking at all. Many personal essays are ghostwritten by social and community groups who deal with the subject, and are then floated to larger media. More so on the backs of relevant public spectacle (in this case, they capitalised on her fame), especially in order to propel finer aspects into

I know it might look terrible to some that she didn’t write the op-ed herself but...I’ve worked in PR for years and I’ve ghost-written countless op-eds. Not everyone is good at getting their point across in an effective way, and that’s where PR people like me step in. The “author” would take my draft, make whatever

So the ACLU is complaining they didn’t get the full amount promised? Their involvement feels like some cheap version of “The Godfather” - I’d did you a solid, now where’s mine? Are they now publicly shaking her down? And a donation made in her name, even from someone else’s account, still is a fulfillment of the

The ghost-writing is actually fairly normal for these types of organizations. I imagine what wasn’t detailed here was some conversation between Heard and the writers discussing the substance of the OpEd. Any organization doing the work of publicizing serious issues will have internal communications on delicate topics t

This whole series of trials is an absolute shit show. The details are horrifying on both sides. What I hate the MOST are Depp fans turning court footage into GIFs and laughing at the whole thing.

dem cheek bones can only get you so far.

Frankly I wish that Will and Jada would just go away. I feel about them the same way I feel about Kanye and Kim. For several years now we have had to hear about every detail of their lives from them. Just go away already. 

This. Exactly this.

I thought staged, until he was yelling ‘keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth’ from his seat. ABC/Disney aren’t going to be happy.

The WTF moment was not when Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Smith. The WTF moment was when Will Smith got up from his seat, walked onto stage, and slapped Chris Rock in front of the world. Please don’t make the story about the dumb joke. The dumb joke did not make Will Smith get up there and smack Chris Rock. Will

The Blackest Oscars ever. And we have to have Black on Black violence? If that was staged, that’s F’ed up. If that was real, that’s F’ed up. That was seriously F’ed up.

That is a Madlibs of a title.

I’m not suggesting he’s a paedophile for crying out loud.

Tom Cruise’s marriages were more authentic than this ‘relationship’.

So, not even joking... The only thing I got out of that outburst is that he is likely suicidal and looking for his last shot at blaming others for what he is about to do.

I don’t expect other people to understand it.”