
This!! I remember hearing some very mob-esque phrases used around her that made me uncomfortable. “Take her out” though?? AT BEST he’s talking like this because he’s in the big boy chair and using this language is how he feels power. It’s enormously dangerous and alarming given the most generous read of the situation.

This recording ABC got from Parnas (assuming it’s verified, which so far seems probable) is Trump directing a MOB HIT on Ambassador Yovanovich. As president, HE had the right, at any time, to call her home or fire or reassign her. Instead, he told Giuliani’s goons to “take her out,” which means “kill her.” Everyone

As a non-American, I had to smile at your comment because it’s such an American way of viewing the issue. Whether from the left or the right, it always comes down to money. The article and a lot of the author’s critics make the point that she’s profiting from Mexicans’ pain, and your proposed remedy is that the

Right? That list is an enumeration of SEVERAL people’s jobs, not one person. A “household manager”, er, butler, would actually be the person to coordinate that insanity.  Also, daily reminder, y’all don’t need kids if you aren’t willing to be a parent.  

My favorite theory is that a SAHM wrote this re: her CEO husband and she wanted to show him that everyone thinks the amount of work she does is FUCKING INSANE.

“It remains unclear what ultimately led her to believe that the people crossing the border needed to be rendered human, and to whom she purported to humanize them—particularly since there is already a large body of work about the topic of contemporary immigration, written by Latinx authors and amassed over decades.” -

People are incredibly suggestible. Every age has had their hucksters and snake oil salesmen. Social media just makes it easier and cheaper to reach a wider audience.

Right? I think every person I know whose parents were still together have AT LEAST one story about walking in on their parents fucking. Are we prosecuting every mom in America now for not having dead bolts on their bedroom doors (please, bible thumpers, do not take this as a suggestion)?

This is all beyond awful, and fuck that judge, and everyone else involved in prosecuting this case, but I just can’t can’t get past imagining a time where I would want to hang drywall while topless.

hmm ... did Norm & crew ever go buck naked for drywall on This Old House?  is that a DIY kinda hack?

The Grammy’s are corrupt, self-serving bullshit?


Yeah that response to move is fucking absurd especially when every airline will kick you off a plane when you try to change seats even on an empty plane. But considering its Spirit....as I just posted...they are the absolute worst.

“Oh... is it a breakfast potluck?”

Now I’m definitely not Team Pete, but I’m with him on this. If you go head-to-head with the best (and most correct) cookout dishes you will lose. The only winning move is not to play.

She does speak some truth though. He was a johnny come lately to the Democratic party, just to self servicingly win the presidency, who then complained that he wasn’t treated like a long standing member. His tepid endorsement of Hilary followed by his bros spouting “Never Hillary nonsense certainly didn’t help her

I also feel like she’s the pre-cursor to today’s influencers, for better or for worse.

If I realized Bieber worked out at my gym, I would Swiftly depart.

Bieber. You know that little fuck doesn’t wipe down the equipment. 

Wouldn’t it be more convenient to have whatever workout equipment she wants at her probably-palacial home? Rather than renting an entire gym every time she wants to exercise. Or is there something I’m missing about rich people?