Well done, madam.
Well done, madam.
men have a superiority complex built into us from the society we live in.
I was going to say this, too.
MLB, but the deciding factor was citizenship.
My (overvalued) $.02:
This is window dressing, a meaningless gesture to appease ‘traditional Conservative Republicans’ and the Generals.
Bannon will say he will continue to support the Circus Peanut’s agenda, early Redditors/Breitfarters will be mad initially but briefly, and the bullshit will continue.
That’s it, I am buying stock right now in popcorn. All the popcorn companies.
Delegates at South Carolina’s secession convention decreed that “an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery” and protested that Northern states had failed to “fulfill their constitutional obligations” by interfering with the return of fugitive slaves to bondage. - D…
That’s good news for Kevon Looney. Only Kerr and Klay and another K were going to be invited anyway.
Judge Judy Sheindlin is an American icon and gem. She ought to be treasured and beloved, not disrespected. Shame on you!
I’m not a “Stick to Sports” guy at all, but I don’t want to see a Jets linebacker defending anything if you ask me.
How is this even a conversation. Yes: The Founding Fathers did things that we socially frown upon now. BUT THEY FOUNDED THE FUCKING COUNTRY! Confederates did everything they could to split the country on the basis of maintaining those things HUNDREDS of years later and when there was actually a very large debate…
Not really. If you read and watch the interviews of the organizers, it was about organizing and showing that they had numbers and could put aside their petty differences. The statue protest was simply cover for this.
There’s a sick genius in Trump’s tweets though. In one morning, he has changed the entire subject of conversation about Charlottesville to being about Confederate statues. Now look at how the media has responded; all of these talking heads and academics talking about the history and appropriateness of Confederate…
This is definitely the dumbest of all takes.
LOL “nobody watches the boobs and dragons show for fun! they watch it because it’s realistic!” Okay buddy.
Against all odds and sense, it’s actually a very fun hour or so of silly-ass television. I enjoyed the hell out of it, while also knowing that it was really extremely ridiculous.
I guess protesters threatened on fb to take it down then waited and taped how fast police response was for a statue vs human beings. 6 min.
Well, my mama always said, stupid is as stupid does.:
This is how they should all be removed...with as little fanfare as possible. Make the decision, take them down, and don’t give Nazi and Confederate fanboys time to make sad eyes over their lost heroes - or use them as an excuse to spread death and destruction.