Low Hanging Fruit

+1 Jamie/Cersei incest

Yep. Being as distant from her father and his brand as she is...she’ll come away from this election with her reputation relatively intact.

“Brad is reportedly still holding out for joint custody.”

I just finally read The Hitchhiker’s Guide series like a month ago, so you just made my day.

Did guys ever figure out a new slogan for Gawker?

“Assbury” actually sounds like a fruit when you say it out loud.

Is it true that a vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson is ACTUALLY a vote for Donald Trump?

“Black and blue!”

Looks like a certain troll is back again with a new account. Avoid the “First Woman President” commenter.

Meanwhile, Trump has Ted Nugent (of course) performing at his rallies.

“Why can he say that and I can’t?” -Trump

“Drew, your an idiot.”

Trumpade made quite the gamble to come back out.

Of course Trump has already condemned Jay-Z’s use of “crude” language and said he has never spoken those words in his entire life.

That baby might have been a member of ISIS.

I really want to know what preceded this clip that led the anchor to open up with: “Trump isn’t my type either.”

It’s fine with me.

“’But what about Bill?’ the woman asked”