
Yeah, where we store children who have never been convicted of a crime and sometimes lose them to slavers

how many instances of concentration camp is acceptable? How many extrajudicial murders before it warrants any kind of action?

have you missed all the extrajudicial killings, shooting people in the head across the border, and concentration camps?

hold on just a minute. You wait just a god damn second.

As a mayo-hater, there is nothing snobby about it. This is not a fake guise or pretentious holier-than-thou veneer. Only in the sense that mayonnaise is a literal creation of the Devil himself, sent to punish the believers and sow wickedness and deceit among the

20-year-old manager: “Yeah uh... I don’t fuckin know...signs came in from corporate....”

Are you cleansing your palate between defiled bites and non-defiled bites? If not, your tastebuds will be saturated with overwhelming tang. You simply cannot process the intricacies of fatty protein flavors and the aggressiveness of steak sauce simultaneously. It’s like trying to taste the subtleties of a rose-water

unless your tongue is arranged differently than is known to the rest of anatomical science, it will taste exactly the same; Like beef fat with too much tang from a terrible condiment. The overwhelming tang of A1 or some other atrocity completely destroys and subtleties of good steak. That’s just culinary reality.


a product invented when sanitation practices required cooking steak until it was reduced to dry sadness. It’s your food, your money, but $10/lb to put steak sauce on it? You’d taste no difference between that steak and a hamburger

chicken breast costs $.98 /lb....

there’s a Portuguese saying my Vava uses - “Mais Fica” - “more for me”.

I have two depressed food states: eat nothing, or eat everything.

“Eat Nothing” looks like not wanting to eat food, obviously. Bowl of cereal at best, and even that’s too much work. Just give me the fucking saltines.

“Eat Everything” looks like the end of Dodgeball: The Movie where Ben Stiller is stuffing himself full

“harmful levels of noise”

You know, like the planes

Big Bill Haywood quote, I love it

I buy liver regularly - only eaten it once, it’s nasty IMO. Tastes like all the worst, greasiest parts of a terrible hamburger.

I make my cat food homemade and use liver and chicken thighs. She seems to like it.

Very good beer, highly recommend it. It’s a tallboy can I am not ashamed to sport.

I have some homemade black mission fig and vanilla bean infused bourbon at home....making this as soon as I walk through the door

Fanboys really will go to any length to stretch the truth.

the Switch is the fastest selling console in Japanese or US history. Period.

It is not the best-selling in terms of number of units sold, but it’s also been out for <1 year compared to the PS4 being out for 5 years now.

the average person on an American street. Because, you know, everything in this fucking article.

“We are currently blocking efforts to sell these phones...because no one has heard of them in America...because we’re currently blocking efforts to sell them....”

Jesus Christ, Reed Richards, cool it with the stretching.


Oh Mercy, the poor, pitiful developers, being “tortured with questions” such as “when will you make your product available for me to purchase?”