MCT oil. Highly recommend it. Some studies show alpha hydroxy THC (10x more potent than THC-a) is best absorbed in medium chain triglycerides. I notice a distinct difference between MCT oil and coconut oil.
MCT oil. Highly recommend it. Some studies show alpha hydroxy THC (10x more potent than THC-a) is best absorbed in medium chain triglycerides. I notice a distinct difference between MCT oil and coconut oil.
I think this article is misunderstanding people’s concerns, almost to the point of straw man.
except let her enjoy her fucking life and continue enjoying her relatively harmless substance.
without reasons, it’s just controlling. If the behavior isn’t causing you some kind of actual harm, it’s no different than saying “please don’t eat beets, I don’t like them” or “please don’t wear red, I don’t like it”
I think you’re unfairly placing the blame on weed. Plenty of successful people smoke and plenty of unsuccessful people don’t. Your man wanted to play video games. He would do it stoned or not, it’s not the plant that’s preventing him from being what you wanted.
not a single study has shown vaping is “just as bad”. Not one. It’s certainly not “perfectly harmless” but it’s not “just as bad” as ingesting tar and thousands of unique carcinogens.
not a single study has shown vaping is “just as bad”. Not one. It’s certainly not “perfectly harmless” but it’s not “…
check out that Spider Package
Warning about TaxAct: they don’t make it abundantly clear that importing a previous year’s return costs $15.00. I know it technically says it, but it’s not a very prominent warning, and as a user I assumed importing data you already have (because I used your service last year) was an included service. It is not.
No love for the Fallout franchise? :(
Did you know you’re intended to defeat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft? I’m willing to bet roughly 2% of people who have played that game even get a fraction of the way there.
DuckFat in Portland, ME specializes in fries fried in duckfat. They have a duckfat poutine made with duckfat gravy and an optional sunnyside-up duck egg (optional? Not for this guy)
I don’t think that’s what “stuck up” means
It’s both scientific and moral. The science is that THC doesn’t impair you in the same way, because the chemical isn’t absorbed in the same parts of the brain as alcohol. This makes driving drunk very very dangerous, and driving stoned significantly less so. That’s why it’s morally outrageous to drive drunk and not as…
I’ll bite.
In New Hampshire, you need to put yourself on a list requesting to be called when there is available roadkill. When an animal is killed, Fish & Game start making calls in order to see who on the list wants it.
Gotta love beer snobs.
I want to get drunk, not spend $15 for 68,000,000 IBU’s
boo the fuck hoo
“waaahhh normal people can’t even be standard without it being pointed out that it’s standard!”
YOUR veggies don’t need fish sauce because YOU don’t eat fish sauce and no one gives a fuck
I cook for my and my roommate’s cats; I find it to be very easy and generally less expensive than canned or dry food.
Think of the sheer scope of the refugee crisis created by a war on the Korean Peninsula...we can’t even handle a few million Syrians as a planet, never mine tens of millions of North and South Koreans....