smile from The Lower East Side

Those Twinkies are for his wife. She's pregnant — smile

The only one that really matters is whether you can survive dodging an exploding helicopter by diving in a shallow pool of water after jumping off the roof of an exploding skyscraper with only a fire hose wrapped around your waist after running barefoot through a sh!tload of shattered glass. When are they gonna test

So, it's not a snuff film, then? — smile

Robert Reed is spinning in his grave — smile

"Hmm, how do I get AVClub to give me free publicity? I'll just talk a lot of bullsh!t, that ought to do it" — PewDiePie

Look, if nitrotrinadium exists in the past, then it exists in the future; that's all you need to know — smile

I don't have 18 minutes to watch the video, but I call bullsh!t on Smith not knowing before today that Rauch & Richter weren't involved. I'm supposed to believe that Smith's been attached to this for about a year or so, and he never asked MGM/Amazon, "So, when do I get to meet Earl and Rick and start hashing out a

Crazy Heart is about wrestling? I might have to check that one out — smile

You can, but it requires a great degree of skill to achieve without injury. I tried it once and the Segway exploded — smile

OOPS! My bad — smile

Van Damme/Lundgren
Hermione/Moaning Myrtle
Cara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Johnny Five/Chappie
Jack Bauer/Chloe O'Brien
Mistress Janeway/Chakotay

Through a hole in a wall, I presume — smile

Makes sense. If there were only one tree, it wouldn't be a forest — smile

"So I took the poster from The Martian and superimposed an Alien head over Matt Damon's. Doesn't it look awesome?" — Fox Studios' Poster Design Person

The bottom line is: James Cameron's shitty movies are far superior to Neil Blomkamp's shitty movies, even though there are less of them. Fact check it — smile

No mention of Warcraft? I would say that didn't meet expectations, unless it was expected to tank everywhere except China — smile

It's Mr. Moroni to a lousy bastige like you! If you dunnot show me da propa respect, I'm gonna cut off your boils and put 'em in a meat grinder wit da resta da Jocko Dundee mob! — smile

What exactly is the difference between Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man? — smile

You mean The Daily Planet is NOT a great metropolitan newspaper?!? — smile

I was going to point that out, that's why the movie ends at sort of a Huh, WTF?!? point — smile