1. Cheap to own
1. Cheap to own
One of the scariest commonalities between POTUS, Musk, and folks who have adversarial relationships with the truth is that they believe there are varying degrees of truthfulness:
“...the public can rate the core truth of any article...”
No. That’s not how the truth works. It’s not up for debate, or for rating, or for…
Clearly, the most unbiased voice regarding anything Tesla is Elon Musk.
It’s almost as if these billionaires aren’t our saviors.
I don’t care. It doesn’t matter what the right wing thinks anymore. Vote. Dismantle right wing power in America. There is no point in trying to understand the right wing or work with the right wing. I know that is “divisive”, but its what we have to do to save the country. Let future generations work on healing the…
Like the Party of NO (as they were called during the Obama years) is suddenly going to cooperate and work for the people? LOL.
The Corvette doesn’t need to be at a Cars and Coffee event to take down an innocent bystander. And it’s strapped down!! Now that’s a car.
The Root: “The Beckys can’t get any Beckier.”
An abortion.
That painting is fucking insane.
Yes. That is literally Azalea Banks entire existence.
I don’t know that much about Azaelia Banks, but she seems fucking exhausting. Is her whole m.o. just ragging on people more talented and more popular than her?
OK, but this is a plotline straight out of Orange is the New Black, right?
Ms. Guilfoyle definitely has the “Innsmouth taint”.
Cocaine Elaine. Jesus, come on.
If we allow black women to sleep, then we allow black women to dream. Can’t have that.
More like Cocaine Chao amirite