first time talker long time listener

Things like that first 20 minutes are what I watch Maddow for. I love when she whips out her doctorate in politics and gives us a big lecture on why we are where we are. It’s a perspective that’s missing when other news shows are trying to jump from topic to topic.

She took what was likely her largest audience share ever, and gave them a concise, thorough 10-minute overview of the labyrinthine reporting she’s been doing for months. It was ingenious.

As people have been saying, Watergate didn’t happen all with one big story. There were multiple cracks in the dam and THEN it all exploded. Every piece matters and adds up and can be built upon to take the next step forward to uncovering the truth.

Did you all think there would be 1099s made out to Russian hookers?

Exactly. And why change anything if California and Europe’s regulations aren’t going away?

This is somewhat related, and extremely important.

He is such a fool. His words and the words of his supporters are directly coming back to haunt him in court. Hawaii’s TRO specifically quotes both Giuliani and Miller, and shows how fucking awful the administration is at legal strategy.

to quote the great deadspin (nee gawker) writer Ashley Feinberg:

Vaguely related: here is a sign I recently made to hold up in front of the anti-choice (and to no one’s surprise, anti-trans) zealots outside my local Planned Parenthood.

“Hey look a lady! I’m gonna rape her- oh, no, wait... she went into the girls room. Dammit. Foiled again!”

Oh for fuck’s sake.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Didn’t reach destination, but the trip was 🔥

This is the most glorious/polite “fuck you” I’ve ever read :)

Does anyone else feel that your comprehension has changed dramatically regarding America and how you fit into it? My anger will not subside and quite frankly I feel much better about it. As a gay man I will no longer tolerate nor hold out any hope that this virulent, disgusting and capitalistic country, rotten to its

The “heritage” of the Confederate flag is chattel slavery and open racism, and the people who embrace it know that very well, they just also know it isn’t socially acceptable to call oneself racist. But they still think whiteness and its history is the marker of social and cultural value. Steve King said wherever

I have a 17-year-old nephew who lives in Alabama. He recently got his driver’s license and a truck, and for his birthday, he asked for both “Don’t Tread on Me” and confederate flag bumper stickers.

As a Floridian, aka a state that fought for the South, I’d like to give him the Confederate flag that matters.

Hello, from SC. I agree. I went to the ceremony where they took it down from in front of the State House. It was so worth it.

It’s doubly fun when they come back with the “well actually that’s just the Confederate Battle Flag!” Oh, so it literally represents taking up arms in defense of slavery? Thanks for making my point even stronger, Confederate!