Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.
Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.
...So Steve King’s vision of America is one where we all look like Steve King? Hard pass.
Tried to dissolve a body in it?
Not yet, but I’m totally available.
This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.
They’ve never “researched” a thing. I hate that sciencey-ish sheen that they add to all their messaging. They’re just dumb Christian bigots.
Pre-tax? maybe. By the time we deduct taxes, travel expenses, Cayman Islands ATM fees (steep!), fake mustaches, Turkish hookers, hours drinking grossly-sweetened coffee (for business), and HSA/401K contributions, we’re looking at ... $14.71 taxable. Hardly worth the effort really, except for getting liberal panties…
If you are talking about Turkey then you should very well know that Erdogan is a “key ally” and “valued partner” in the fight against ISIS and has a “great record” on human rights.
obligatory: fuck Jason Chaffetz who is a shit weasel.
A sternly worded letter to a guy that may actually be illiterate, that should fix everything.
Please dismiss troll:
at least chaffetz is consistent with his pet peeves?
I’m always happy whenever Trump gets chastised in an official capacity for any reason, but at the same time it SUPER bums me out that we have congressmen sending official letters to the president about twitter.
i’m with her...
It’s more that when person in question is caught, their lying on this form makes things like stripping them of their citizenship and extraditing them easier.
Kennedy’s speech calling out Ryan and getting the house lawyer to admit mental health coverage would be lost was fun.
Thanks for keeping us updated on this, Megan. This is important stuff. They’re making it more difficult to challenge, but no matter how they wriggle, it still stinks as a “Muslim ban.” As evidenced by