first time talker long time listener

Hmmmm... Fled the scene charge vs. either one of those is a no-brainer.

PLUS, if he already knows my actions through his omnisciency, do I really have Free Will? He can determine what’s in my heart before I can.

She’s harsh with the language, but this constant coddling of Israel is tiresome.

There’s a shitload of us who currently are embarrassed as fuck.

I mean, what choice at this point does the Dr. have?

The very first thing I thought of when I heard Paul in the news over it.

Hypothetical IF: If Trump and Team are in deep legal shit, will the GOP still pursue all of these fucked up policies?

I’ll heal your blindness, but you have to put in 30 hrs a week working at my Kiosk... It’s really booming. Water into Wine Popsicles and Italian Ices!

He’s one of the worthless pricks in office who never had to worry about money, he just felt the need to impose his fucked up will on others. He’s a big reason why the Post Office looks so bad financially and THE MAIN REASON Benghazi was flogged so fucking long...

Not only offensive, but just plain stupid-af-assbag-wrong-embarrased-for-saying-it-at-all kind of dumbfuckery.

“Todd Palin told the officer he got his pistol to “protect his family” and met his son with the gun when he came to the door, according to the affidavit.”

The real story is the 2WD Drift Mode, 4 Wheel Sport Mode and 4 Wheel X Drive.

And then he took up 2 spaces in the reserved lot too!

But whom will you ask to light your cigar/cigarette while pumping?

It’s been done.

The skidpad diameter is 300' so you can rough in the estimate from there.

There’s actually several discounts circulating out there, and the PC Drive program starts at $299. :)

You could fucking land a plane on that cold sore. Ann Coulter HERPEEEES?

I live in SC. Linds must have a major Kompromat on him in order to flip so severely from ‘meh’ to ‘I’m a golfing buddy’ to someone who’ll stand behind the Orange Menace no matter the level of ‘fake news,’ much less join Conspiracy-Fueled-Sentient-Corn-Stalk Assley in an adventure of “I’m the dumbest fucking Senior

But the last time I checked, a 75-year-old Joe Biden—who still, to this day, cannot admit that he mishandled the Anita Hill testimony literal decades ago—