It’s a really strange element to the case:
It’s a really strange element to the case:
The gun used to kill her was stolen from a Federal Employee’s vehicle near the slaying. Seems a tad unusual that this case is still cited as some benchmark of everything that’s wrong with our immigration system while there’s about a dozen other things that never get touched on.
See ‘Texas Cop Fired for Shooting at Teens Driving Away, Killing One’ and ‘White Kook Kills at Pool Party in Cali’ for the latest refutation of “your biggest problem”
It was over 10 years ago and I was convinced it was Darlington and Denny... Turns out it’s BG and the proving grounds... and there was also this:
I dunno, that white one on the top looks like an upside-down Challenger?
Mine was the 4 door in black with a hard cover on the back and no silly wing. It did have the extra shock/stabilizer on the rear end too. Literally one of the toughest, nicest and most unique vehicles I’ve ever had.
I actually thought Denny Hamlin had a Darlington run of 156?
I knew this was UK from the politeness and clarity of the Tweet:
Christ, I fucking can’t stand the term “influencers”- after 2 decades in Ad Land shilling the wares of Corporate America, this phenomenon has lost all meaning. McFarland’s PPT does look like a fucking 22 year old AE assistant put it together.
Why does this fucker and shitbag Bannon have idiotic facial hair?
Likely the inbreeding.
Cocktail weenies and baby carrots?
That’s because you’re a human being and this guy is a fucking shitbag asshole who should be stomped into a greasy spot...
Gawd, O’Reilly was an old cranky pissy fuck but this douchebag could use a Louisville Slugger right upside his fucked up empty head.
I read that earlier today- she was convinced that they back benched her because being infertile was a turnoff. Of course she’s hot and all that, but that seems like such an unusual reason to get someone off the air...
“The 8-year assault” is going to go down in history as one of his most outrageous absurdities given the backdrop of the gun sales and saturation achieved even under the threat of Kenyan Muslim Confiscation Forces...
The Michael Caine quote about the Dutch gets played on the local radio rock channel once in awhile and I freaking crack up.
The rant in the Police Station was one of the monologues I could recite fairly well... did it at a Birthday Workday Drinking Restaurant Lunch once and it killed the whole dining room.
This is the most accurate foreshadowing I’ve ever witnessed.