
“He makes everyone cringe hardcore!” is perfect.

Now playing

I see your wood chopping and raise you one Jonad.

So what’s it called? A “flipoffian tube?”

Hey, some of us greys are just lovely Gawker/Defamer refugees, cruelly ignored by the Matriarchy.

DEATH BECOMES HER IS SOLID GOLD. I highly recommend She-Devil as well if you like EvilMerylStreepathons. ;D

We try not to get too fired up about politics around her (due to language and not wanting her to feel too anxious about it), but she was really gung-ho about Hillary. She saw Michelle Obama at a rally with my husband, and adored her (she calls Barack ‘Michelle Obama’s wife,” and I don’t have it in me to correct her).

It seems unfair to lump poor Dobby in with Ku Klux Keebler.

The answer is probably why the CBO wasn’t allowed to look at it first.

Pretend “Death Panel” of doctors: EVIL BAD SCARY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (ghost noises)!

Ladies and gentlemen: I give you the only proof the right will ever need to dismiss every story on rising levels of Antisemitism and other white nationalist-flavored hate crimes as false flag operations designed to discredit Republican mainstream legitimacy.

why does this sound like the most convenient right-wing planted story ever? a black journalist who made up sources and quotes who’s also been threatening JCCs?! did he also participate in spirit cooking with Russian abortionists?

The amount of projection from right wingnuts is so excruciatingly painful. The reason they won’t take any of this seriously is because they KNOW they were losing their shit over Obama for no damn reason so they think it is the same now.

DHS is only investigating to see whether or not the people involved are undocumented.

Good thing they’re stepping in, because all this economic insecurity is really getting out of hand.

“According to Shapiro, Trump said he does plan to address the issue in his remarks tonight, which is sure to be relaxing and reassuring experience for everyone.”

He graduated at the top of his class from electoral college.

Cemeteries have long been considered sacred and desecration was very rare before our new era of unapologetic hatred, so I bet they just didn’t think they needed cameras over the acres of graves of the dead.

He won like ALL the colleges

While it would not surprise me if this were stupid kids, the fact that kids think it is funny to mess with a minority group in the US is more than problematic enough. Terrorising members of minority groups - whether it’s hanging a noose, burning a cross, drawing a swastika, chanting “build the wall” or “go back to