barelylethal: shitass

Wait till you see porn!

Yeah, when are white liberal do-nothings like Spike Lee going to, uh, start talking about white supremacists?

What if, as you were sitting there musing about how she should just be happy to have a job, a toilet fell from the ceiling and landed directly on your head?

I’ve been singing it on here for more than a year: All Men. We need to stop acting shocked when their ills are revealed and instead take them down. Permanently. Blackball their asses.

Phew, heard this on the radio and I thought it was Bryan Adams.

Now playing

“Lisztomania” is a banger to this day.

We were on a jailbreak!

It gives all us children-of-narcissists a comments section to commiserate in.

I have severe asthma a dust allergies. A soon to be ex boyfriend gave me a vog mask so I could clean his apartment and then asked me to move in with him.

so sad. any child of the 70s knows her work well and any child of a single divorced mother knows these stories and headlines and their effect too.

I discovered that my form of feminism extends to female animals

FFS stop comparing AI to rape. This is why vegans are decidedly unfeminist and awful.

I think the mutual torture of marathoning makes that an a-okay proposal. No one's stealing anyone else's thunder.

I feel the same way about proposing right after a college graduation. Let women have their accomplishments!

Bill has always been the “sweep it under the rug” secret of our side of the political spectrum... he was the white Obama of his era, charming and charismatic, used as a follow-up to a curmudgeonly old republican. He worked well at the time, in a climate where democrats shamed Anita Hill just as much as republicans,

She is a terrible, no good, very bad candidate, and I fully believe if democrats had put any other reasonably competent person in the 2016 election, Trump would not be president.

I am not responding to a eulogy at a private ceremony or some article in some small Pittsburgh-based periodical. This is a piece in The Washington Post. An opinion piece premised on a lie, with multiple lies in its text and a lying-ass title. And these are the sorts of Pollyanna-ish lies that literally endanger

This comment is typical of how the thoughts and feelings of Native Americans in this debacle are being ignored.

There are reservations east of the Mississippi. Seminoles in FL, Poarch Creek in AL, Cherokee in NC, etc.

Oh, shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch.