barelylethal: shitass

But Five Guys is actually good. 

Remember when everyone hated Nick Denton?

That’s part of the joke too - when Regina quits and joins the Field Hockey Team it’s low-level implied. 

Most property management companies that rent apartments in the short-term rental market do it in order to fill vacant apartments, they vastly prefer long-term 6- to 24-month leases with the opportunity to renew.

They better watch themselves.

You have been trash all over this comment section. So like, you are trash, I think we can all agree on that. 

Right? After the first sentence, my eyes rolled back so far into my head I couldn’t read anymore. Not sending their best people, indeed.

I got a paperwhite about a year ago (I had had an OG kindle before that, only really used it when traveling) and while the reading experience is different than in a book, it really feels like the middle between the good things about a tablet (small! light! many books in one place! reading in the dark!), and the good

I specifically have a real roof over my grill on the porch so I can grill year-round. 

It was mostly fine, considering, but the Christmas my mom and grandmother (my dad’s mom, so her mother-in-law, but they had a very good relationship) were both living, my grandmother was suffering from terrible dementia, so we didn’t tell her that my mom had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer mere weeks before. My

That place is so good. 

If it’s summer, get the Lemon cake. 

The fact that Burt’s Place still reopened after Burt died shows there’s a spot in the heavy rotation list for both Pequod’s and Burt’s, but I’d make the argument that while Pequod’s and Burt’s are both deep dish, they carry some of the qualities of tavern-style with their burnt-cheese crusts. 

Don’t conflate cost and quality. They are expensive. They are also cheap. 

God bless my husband for never making any of my marathons about him. 

This is fine. See also, couples who get married while running a marathon together. 

Yes. The Democratic party is a different party than it was, as it should be, and for that we owe a sincere “Thanks, Obama.”

I see a lot of comments from folks like “well why would they even think that Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama are opening their own mail?”

Yeah, I only mentioned the one I knew for sure had an active reservation still in NY but you’re correct there are/were many Iroquois nations that still have a presence in the East. 

That’s addressed in the article but for the most part it’s because the Cherokee nation is
1. Very large (historically and even now)
2. Very recognizable (it’s likely one of the few most kids learn about in school in terms of atrocities perpetrated against it - unless of course those kids are from an area with an active