
again, totally agree. I so want to see Allison and Cole reconcile . . . I love Dominic West but despise Noah — talk about a slut — remember his behavior after he moved out of the brownstone?

What is Allison's motive for killing Scotty?

totally agree . . . his boner broke my heart for Allison, who was so vulnerable and trusting based on the rapport they established last week . . . thought Joanna Gleeson totally nailed disdainful bitch . . . interesting parallel to our dear Helen with the bleached streaks. Why 2on't the damn writers let any of these

When Dan's obsession with Elena is finally revealed, I understood why he murdered Pettigrew. I really didn't believe he could be so cruel. But his rage and obsession drove him to a completely irrational act that will haunt him. A tragic lover if there ever was one.

Morton, oh Morton, how we miss you. And what a total fuckabout when Henry shot him. Unbelievable.

Bravo. Yest more bugfuckery. I will really miss coming here to read our little group of commentators. How are we supposed to wait util 2016 to find out what happens?

The writer/producer, Douglas Simon (or Douglas Simon) said a threat alluded to in Season 1 will figure in season 2. Virus? Melting permafrost? Environmental agent causing the deformities? Moving/melting glaciers? Oh that poor pig.

Good surmise.

Why in the world would you keep watching something you deem a waste of time? I really don't understand. I abondened Lost after the 3rd or 4th episode — Lost was a waste of eyeballs and time. Fortitude kept us guessing until the end . . . killing off Morton was a master stroke and poor besotted Dan aiming a kill

Finales are very tricky, particularly when expectations are sooo high. How Vincent apparently escapes implantation from a bizilion wasp stings when the other's were implanted with only one or at most a few stings, strains credulity.

What I want to know is this: what is the actual life cycle of these bugs — obviously once the larvae are passed into the innards they eventually become bugs. But is it a bug bite that infects the carrier? Going to have to go back (for the umpteenth time) and look for the bugs other's saw flying around at various

Was I ever wrong about Dan. Is the Tupilak keeping Liam from developing the odious pustules filled with nasty flying things? Are Dan and Elena now joined in their aloneness together? Is Markus infected from kissing Shirley? When is someone going to open that fucking green door? Will Vincent get out alive? When he

Damn Morton is gone

No American remakes!!!!!

OMG — it's ON tonight!

I was one of those involved in feverish discussion about TD on Reddit. I can tell you that some of the theories advanced there were far better than than what we got in the last episode. TD had so much going for it, but the plot failed to live up to the riddles it posed and gave us a bizzaro ending not worthy of that

I love this theory. Now I too have to go back and watch every episode to see how your theory of the case fits the crime(s).

Most US TV, with the exception of premium channels, is the same way. If you have access to Sundance Channel, if you love Fortitude, you will love Rectify. It's also a complex, beautifully shot, intricately plotted drama, with basically unknown actors. Like Fortitude, there is inherent suspense which left me gasping

I'm going to rewatch . . . totally missed the Elena thing. And I wonder about Elena's musings outside Carrie's door. She was talking about her time in prison and about a stabbing . . . was it the stabbing she went to prison for, or something that happened in Fortitude?

I'm not certain Dan handcuffed Pettigrew. He was there, but he may have come after the bear had gotten to Pettigrew. No eye-witness.