
I can't believe anything this good doesn't have an audience

Fortitude is driving me bonkers. The unattended huskies, MCSTUFFIN sending Shirley off in fine Nordic style, Ronnie the zombie still groaning behind that oh so ominous green door. Jason also looks pretty Zombiefied as he steals away out of the bath to go look at liam, a spinal tap, pork chops and ice cream, Henry

Can anyone speculate about what will become of the dead. Will they somehow become reanimated in order to spread the infection further? If it's a virus that needs to spread through some sort of incubation process, I can imagine that happening. If not the virus isn't very efficient if all it does is kill the host. Is

I noticed that too and thought it was throw up goo

Did u notice Morton throwing up. I think he's getting sick. And Dan made himself throw up at stoddarts. Got to keep an eye on everyone