A disaster?! A drop in birth rate would be great for the environment, and thus climate change. If it comes true, it’s the best thing that could happen for the planet.
A disaster?! A drop in birth rate would be great for the environment, and thus climate change. If it comes true, it’s the best thing that could happen for the planet.
God I hate the Craig movies. They’re just action movies, nothing to do with Bond. I can’t wait for him to retire. Hire someone fun!
Moonraker was the first Bond movie I saw, with my cousin Scotty when I was eight years old and he was twelve. I had no idea what was going on but I fucking loved it.
Funny, I just had my first really satisfying meditation session this morning. And it is as simple as you say to get there. I don’t know why anyone would give you shit for your post.
I just watched it to get an idea.
As a kid I felt kind of disappointed by ESB but Return of the Jedi ... holy shit did I love that movie.
I HIGHLY recommend re-reading Go Ask Alice as an adult. It’s hilarious. The idea that anyone believed it was an actual diary is shocking, it’s so obviously written by a person who has never even smoked pot. It even got a good review in the NYT! I guess adults just wanted to believe a certain narrative. And kids too. I…
Yeah it’s not a comedy.
I agree with your take. Calling this a rom-com seems a bit of a stretch. It’s not a serious drama, but ... it’s not funny. Power Fantasy is more like it. I mean, that’s romantic to some people.
Remember when Madison gets captured in Splash? That’s what they would have done to ET, is what I was thinking. Study him. Not necessarily dissect him.
What are you talking about? Shakira is white. You can be from Latin America and be white.
Thank you. Everyone I know really liked that novel, but I couldn’t stand it. I thought it was populated entirely by cardboard characters who behave illogically to either move the contrived plot along or to make really broad statements about race and culture.
Oh I remember that too. I do remember Fantasy Island as being kinda freaky. Once an episode made me and my babysitter run screaming from the room. It involved a dude with a wolf’s head.
Natalie Portman has a production company. She has produced eight films, but only hired one woman director, herself. So, yes, she could actually be doing something about this, but she has chosen not to. Her gestures are empty and self serving.
Hahah. YES! All these straight people are like, what? Nobody saw that! I went to see it with a group of friends at a sold out theater. It wasn’t a blockbuster, it was a small film that earned back its money and then some.
She was really really really good. I couldn’t believe it. The awards are well deserved.
And don’t forget that the DNC interfered with the primary process in 2016. People have lots of reasons to suspect interference, if not outright rigging.
I know, right? I would love to read more of these stories. Often I’ll see an old movie, or TV show and think, damn that actress was really great, why didn’t she work more? I want to know all the stories.
They did a TV version ... with Sandra Bullock as Tess.
Is the character of Mia Chinese in the book? I thought she might be Asian going into reading the book, but her race is decidedly not mentioned, but I assumed she was white based on contextual clues.