The Howling. I love that final scene in the biker bar SO MUCH. It’s funnier and scarier and a lot more fun, IMO. AWIL is kinda funny, not scary, but a lot gorier. Not a fan of gore.
The Howling. I love that final scene in the biker bar SO MUCH. It’s funnier and scarier and a lot more fun, IMO. AWIL is kinda funny, not scary, but a lot gorier. Not a fan of gore.
No. Anne Heche was on the way up well before she started dating Ellen. She had two big budget, heavily-marketed films under her belt as a romantic lead. I know because I was following her career—she was my favorite actor on Another World when I was in High School. She did not do the lesbian thing for publicity, and it…
YES! Such a good comment. The Will Smith performance may be a happy accident of casting, but that dude was always a charismatic, kinetic actor. He really made ID4. John Cusak, etc. are just so boring. I don’t understand the appeal of those guys.
I found this interesting:
“Maybe the total absence of culture-war signifiers is realistic.”
I think it is very realistic. When people have real things to worry about—like surviving—they don’t engage in no-win twitter wars.
I also agree. The change makes for a much more interesting film, and a more complicated and compelling character, IMO.
Great point. I love this column, but the writer tends to give the male characters / actors a lot more attention that the female characters / actors. Like the column about T2. It’s disappointing, as the female characters are generally more interesting to me.
That was the same year as this. I THINK TDF came out first by a few months, but I could be wrong.
I had the same obsession with her after seeing this, too. It’s such a great performance. And she picks really fun/interesting roles, usually.
I agree with you and your original statement. This is how mass censorship happens. It does not happen overnight. It happens little by little.
The reason they transitioned to Wokies is because they’ve become as morally superior, hypocritical and insufferable as evangelical Christians were back in the day. That makes them a great target for satire.
Dude. No. You don’t speak for all gay people. I’m gay, and that “little gay speech” shit does not offend me in the least. They do not “have so much to answer for” ... that is NOT homophobia, IMO. Of course you are free to disagree, but that would be your opinion.
I would add Beautiful Thing to that list. Haven’t seen it in ages, but it is sweet, funny, real, and isn’t about AIDs. I saw it three times in the theater when it came out and even brought my straight friends, who also loved it.
Just curious, why would you even think Jessica Biel?
I would see this movie five times or more. One of you should start writing a script.
“With Crawford, Dunaway is just playing a camp horror villain.”
I’ve always thought Mommie Dearest was a Joan Crawford Movie about Joan Crawford. In particular, I’m thinking of her late movies, where she played camp horror villains, but also some of her earlier films, in terms of the melodramatic tone and glamorous…
Couldn’t agree more. It’s quite disturbing.
...and this is why people will vote for Trump. Don’t people realize this by now? All this humorless, scolding, petty bullshit will put him back in office pronto.
Thank you. The mask thing isn’t an all or nothing proposition. I live in a suburban neighborhood and on a busy day I can stay 10-15 feet away from people when I’m out for a walk. No need to wear one in my neighborhood. Now if I go to one of the busier neighborhoods, I’ll put one on if people are out and I can’t…
I hear what you’re saying and agree about representation, etc. But. Every show is different. If a show about Italian Mobsters in New Jersey had out gay characters front and center, and nobody had a problem with it ... that would be discordant, dishonest and, frankly, a little boring.
Representation is good. I want…
The homophobic stuff, yeah, that’s how those guys would have / would now still act. Do people really have a problem with that in a TV show about mobsters? I’m a gay guy and it’s not like I enjoy that kind of shit in real life, but you have to be honest when you’re writing a character, or your show will suck.